I need a high school essay for HSC. Right now I had to write 4 essays and could not finish the last one.
The word limit is 1200-1500 and it requires dealing of 2 texts.
One main text used is Alain de Bottons Art of Travel. And the school require we pick another text to relate it to the main text. Please feel free to choose any text which you think might suit the text. But i was thinking of Using The Raven by Edgar Allan poe
I will attach the additional information required with the order.
I need the essay to have literary analysis and how the literary techniques help enhance the meaning.
This is the Question given by the School
Explore how the representation of people and landscapes generates insight into the
complexity of human experience.
In your response, make detailed reference to your prescribed text and ONE other
related text of your own choosing.
I need the essay to have at least 6 paragraphs (including Introduction and Conclusion) and 4 body paragraphs (2 ideas for each texts). And require at least 3 quotes for each paragraphs with the literary techniques of each quotes and how it links with the ideas the author wants to convey. Please read the attached files for more information!
HSC Advanced English Module C “Representing People and Landscapes

HSC Advanced English Module C “Representing People and Landscapes”

HSC Advanced English Module C “Representing People and Landscapes”
This is the Question given by the School
“Explore how the representation of people and landscapes generates insight into the
complexity of human experience.
In your response, make detailed reference to your prescribed text and ONE other
related text of your own choosing.”
12 Advanced English
Assessment Task Notification
Module C: Representation and Text
Term 3 Week 5
Tuesday 11th August 2015
Outcomes assessed
4 A student explains and analyses the ways in which language forms and features, and structures of texts shape meaning and influence responses.
5 A student explains and evaluated the effects of textual forms, technologies and their media of production on meaning
10 A student analyses and synthesises information and ideas into sustained and logical argument for a range of purposes, audiences and contexts.
In your answer you will be assessed on how well you:
• Demonstrate understanding of and evaluate the relationship between representation and meaning (4, 5)
• organise, develop and express ideas using language appropriate to audience, purpose and form (10)
Question – Elective 2: Representing People and Landscapes (20 marks)
Explore how the representation of people and landscapes generates insight into the complexity of human experience.
In your response, make detailed reference to your prescribed text and ONE other related text of your own choosing.
Submission Requirements
• Word limit – 1200-1500
• Please use size 12 font with 1.5 spacing
• Staple a signed senior cover sheet to the front of the assignment. Write your student number not your name.
• Please do not include plastic sleeves.
• Presents a perceptive exploration of how the representation of people and landscapes generates insight into the complexity of human experience.
• Demonstrates skilfully the relationship between representation and meaning using well-selected and detailed knowledge of the prescribed text and ONE additional text
• Composes a sophisticated and well-sustained response using language appropriate to audience, purpose and form
• Presents a thoughtful exploration of how the representation of people and landscapes generates insight into the complexity of human experience.
• Demonstrates effectively the relationship between representation and meaning using relevant knowledge of the prescribed text and ONE additional text
• Composes an effective response using language appropriate to audience, purpose and form
• Presents a sound exploration of how the representation of people and landscapes generates insight into the complexity of human experience.
• Discusses the relationship between representation and meaning with some support from relevant textual references
• Composes a sound response using language appropriate to audience, purpose and form
• Presents a limited exploration of the question
• Describes some ways ideas are represented but demonstrates only limited knowledge of the texts
• Composes a limited response using some aspects of language
• Attempts to respond to the question
• Attempts to explore aspects of their prescribed text 4
HSC Advanced English Module C “Representing People and Landscapes”

HSC Advanced English Module C “Representing People and Landscapes”
This is the Question given by the School
“Explore how the representation of people and landscapes generates insight into the
complexity of human experience.
In your response, make detailed reference to your prescribed text and ONE other
related text of your own choosing.”
12 Advanced English
Assessment Task Notification
Module C: Representation and Text
Term 3 Week 5
Tuesday 11th August 2015
Outcomes assessed
4 A student explains and analyses the ways in which language forms and features, and structures of texts shape meaning and influence responses.
5 A student explains and evaluated the effects of textual forms, technologies and their media of production on meaning
10 A student analyses and synthesises information and ideas into sustained and logical argument for a range of purposes, audiences and contexts.
In your answer you will be assessed on how well you:
• Demonstrate understanding of and evaluate the relationship between representation and meaning (4, 5)
• organise, develop and express ideas using language appropriate to audience, purpose and form (10)
Question – Elective 2: Representing People and Landscapes (20 marks)
Explore how the representation of people and landscapes generates insight into the complexity of human experience.
In your response, make detailed reference to your prescribed text and ONE other related text of your own choosing.
Submission Requirements
• Word limit – 1200-1500
• Please use size 12 font with 1.5 spacing
• Staple a signed senior cover sheet to the front of the assignment. Write your student number not your name.
• Please do not include plastic sleeves.
• Presents a perceptive exploration of how the representation of people and landscapes generates insight into the complexity of human experience.
• Demonstrates skilfully the relationship between representation and meaning using well-selected and detailed knowledge of the prescribed text and ONE additional text
• Composes a sophisticated and well-sustained response using language appropriate to audience, purpose and form
• Presents a thoughtful exploration of how the representation of people and landscapes generates insight into the complexity of human experience.
• Demonstrates effectively the relationship between representation and meaning using relevant knowledge of the prescribed text and ONE additional text
• Composes an effective response using language appropriate to audience, purpose and form
• Presents a sound exploration of how the representation of people and landscapes generates insight into the complexity of human experience.
• Discusses the relationship between representation and meaning with some support from relevant textual references
• Composes a sound response using language appropriate to audience, purpose and form
• Presents a limited exploration of the question
• Describes some ways ideas are represented but demonstrates only limited knowledge of the texts
• Composes a limited response using some aspects of language
• Attempts to respond to the question
• Attempts to explore aspects of their prescribed text 4