How North America differ from Asia, Eurasia, and Europe during the period described in the Prologue Human history as we know it in the Americas started in 1200 B.C.E when humans first came across the Bering straight to Alaska, then found good land , large mammals lush grasslands and good water sources , the basics of human needs for survival . From this point in time the end of large mammals in came around 8000 B.C.E. At this time the people of the Americas still had food sources but growth during this period was minimal, (Schwartz, 2004)but for the people of Eurasia in 9000 B.C.E wheat was first domesticated and the spread of people and food grew throughout the Nile valley and the Mediterranean they had crops such as oats, peas, olives, grapes , almonds , barley, oranges, etc. . So it seems at this point in time that the people in Eurasia were seeing more growth towards its Neolithic revolution than the people in the Americas were seeing.
How North America differ from Asia, Eurasia, and Europe