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How is the City Written

How is the City Written

Compare and contrast two theorists who understand the city as a ?�social text’ for instance; or you might explore the contemporary political implications of avant garde writing about the city €“ such as the Situationists, etc€¦
To give you an indication of what is expected of you in terms of engagement understanding’ and quality’, examples of student work from previous years will be made available as attached addition files in my account

Forms, methods, materials €“ Lonely Planet, 2013. Introduction: The Art of Good Travel Writing’, from The Lonely Planet Guide to Travel Writing, London: Lonely Planet, pp. 6-23; Sandhu, Sukhdev., 2007. ?�Fugitive Texts: Graffiti Writers’ and ?�in Night Haunts. London: Artangel, pp. 80-89 (full text also available online: http://www.nighthaunts.org.uk/

Surrealism and Situationism / The marvellous in the everyday €“ Coverley, Merlin, 2010. ?�Psychogeography and Surrealism’ in Pstchogeography, Harpenden: Pocket Essentials, pp. 72-110; Debord, Guy., 1996. ?�Theory of the dérive’ [1936]. reprinted in Andreotti and Costa, eds. 1996. Theory of the Derive and Other Situationist Writings of the City, Barcelona: ACTAR, pp 22-27

Psychogeography /Field trips €“ Certeau, Michel de., ?�Walking in the City’ in The Practice of Everyday Life. Berkeley, Los Angeles and London: University of California Press, pp.91-110; Sinclair, Iain. 2009. ?�At large in a fictional Hackney’. [Online] available at: http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/video/2009/mar/03/hackney-iain-sinclair [Accessed at 28 September 2012; Sinclair, Iain. 2011. ?�Westfield Wonderland’ in Ghostmilk: Calling Time on the Grand Project, London: Verso, no pagination.

Ghostsigns €“ Roberts, Sam and Sebastian Groes, 2007. Ghostisgns: London’s fading Spectacle of History’, Literary London: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Representation of London, 5:2. URL: http://www.literarylondon.org/london-journal/september2007/robertsgroes.html

?�The man of the crowd’ €“ Poe, Edgar Allan., 1996. ?�The man of the crowd’ in Tales of Mystery and Imagination. London: Longman, pp.254-287; Woolf, Virginia., 2005. ?�Street Haunting: A London Adventure’ in Street Haunting. London: Penguin, pp.1-15; Wilson, Elizabeth. (1992) The Invisible Flaneur’, New Left Review 190, pp. 90-110.

Gender and urban experience €“ McLuhan, Marshall, 2001. Understanding Media [1964], New York and London: Routledge, pp. 3-6.

Media as ?�the extensions of man’ €“ Varnelis, Kazys and Friedberg, Anne. 2008. ?�Place: The Networking of Public Space’ in Varnelis ed. Networked Publics, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, pp.15-42. Available online:http://networkedpublics.org/kvarnelis/blog/new_networked_publics_site

Self and community in the network society €“ http://hideandseek.net/; Mary Flanagan. 2009. Artist’s Locative games’ in Critical play: radical game design. MIT Press, pp. 189-222; Henry Jenkins. 2006. Complete Freedom of Movement: Video Games as Gendered Play Spaces’ [1998] in Katie Salen and Eric Zimmerman eds. The Game Design Reader: A Rules of PLay Anthology, MIT Press, pp. 330-363.

Pervasive gaming €“ Extracts from Sontag, Susan, 1979. On Photography. Harmondsworth: Penguin; Price, Derrick. 2000. Surveyors and Surveyed: Photography Out and About’ in Liz Wells ed.The Photography Reader, London and New York: Routledge. pp 95-93.


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