How does poverty in first world countries differ from poverty in third world countries and/or the fourth world?
1)Nicholas Ekama, s262525 in header
2)word count should be 1500 including references
3)references must be within the discipline of sociology
4)At least 6 Academic references. Marks will be deducted for reliance on primary resources and non-academic references.
5)Textbooks that must be used are:
Macionis J. & Plummer K, (2012) Sociology: A Global Introduction, 5th edition, Pearson Education, Essex, United Kingdom.
Macionis J. & Plummer K, (2012) “Thinking Sociologically, Thinking Globally” (Ch 2 pg 33-48) Sociology: A Global Introduction, 5th edition, Pearson Education, Essex, United Kingdom.