How do you envision conceptual knowledge, theory and the practical elements of nursing care interfacing in your practice? List at list at least one theory or theorist that you feel best embodies effective application of theory in practice.
Chose one:
Dorothy Johnson: Behavioral System Model
Dorthea E. Orem: self-care Deficit theory of nursing
Martha E. Rogers: Unitary Human Beings
How do you envision conceptual knowledge, theory and the practical elements of nursing care interfacing in your practice?

How do you envision conceptual knowledge, theory and the practical elements of nursing care interfacing in your practice?

How do you envision conceptual knowledge, theory and the practical elements of nursing care interfacing in your practice? List at list at least one theory or theorist that you feel best embodies effective application of theory in practice.
Chose one:
Dorothy Johnson: Behavioral System Model
Dorthea E. Orem: self-care Deficit theory of nursing
Martha E. Rogers: Unitary Human Beings
How do you envision conceptual knowledge, theory and the practical elements of nursing care interfacing in your practice?

How do you envision conceptual knowledge, theory and the practical elements of nursing care interfacing in your practice? List at list at least one theory or theorist that you feel best embodies effective application of theory in practice.
Chose one:
Dorothy Johnson: Behavioral System Model
Dorthea E. Orem: self-care Deficit theory of nursing
Martha E. Rogers: Unitary Human Beings