Land Law
Instructions to Candidates:
1. On each answer book write:
• your full 7 digit student registration number – as on your Student ID card
• the title of the module and the module code
• the numbers of the questions answered
2. Do not write your name on the answer book, only your number.
3. Answer the SEEN questions provided.
Candidates should answer BOTH questions, which carry equal marks.
1. Explain ONE of the following, commenting upon its significance to English and Welsh land law:
Walsh v Lonsdale (1882) 21 Ch D 9
Elitestone v Morris [1997] 1 WLR 687
Bocardo SA v Star Energy Onshore UK Ltd [2010] 1 AC 380
2. Explain ONE of the following, commenting upon the significance of the provision to English and Welsh land law:
Law of Property Act 1925, Section 1
Law of Property (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1989, Section 2
Land Registration Act 2002,Schedule 6 para 5