How Do Asian Cultural Beliefs Negatively Affect their Response to Healthcare Project description The final paper will be a 8 page research paper but we are not there yet. I am breaking this down in parts as assigned by my professor. The final paper is due in December. I submitted a proposal for the organization of this paper. Please see it below and note the Professor’s comments and suggestions in CAPS. The main question this research paper will ask is, œHow Do Asian Cultural Beliefs Negatively Affect their Response to Healthcare?œ To support this research topic/question, the following sub-questions will be considered: 1. What are common Asian beliefs that serve as barriers to healthcare? GOOD 2. How do they impact healthcare? BE CAREFUL ABOUT OVERLAPING THE FIRST TWO SECTIONS WITH THE SAME DISCUSSION 3. What are indicators (e.g., language, gestures, etc.) of refusal to healthcare? THIS WOULD GO INTO FIRST SECTION “ YES? 4. How do healthcare providers deal with the barriers? THIS MIGHT GO IN A SECTION ON HEALTHCARE WORKDERS INABILITY TO HANDLE THESE CULTURAL ATTUTIDUES AND WHAT THEY SHOULD DO 5. What actions are effective in dealing with the barriers? SOLUTIONS IS GOOD SECTION 6. How do the patients respond to the solutions? PUT ALL SOLUTIONS INTO ONE SECTION NEED TO HAVE ONLY THREE SECTIONS ” NOT SIX “ To answer these questions, articles from journals such as, Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine andThe Online Journal of Issues in Nursing will be used. This research will benefit from library research to address the abovementioned issues. Books and peer-reviewed articles from medical and social work journals will bring light to the issues. Considering the broadness of the topic, the study will look into medical journals to find out earlier studies conducted in the field. GOOD Presently, the organization of the paper is not finalized, but the paper might begin by stating what the cultural barriers are and what are the indicators of refusal to healthcare. Secondly, the paper will discuss the impacts of the cultural barriers then, it will discuss how healthcare providers deal with the barriers. Thirdly, the paper will attempt to show what actions are effective in dealing with the barriers and how patients respond to the solutions. This will allow the reader to have a true understanding of how cultural beliefs serve as a barrier when it comes to healthcare and how the issue is dealt with. THIS LOOKS LIKE A GOOD WAY TO ORGANIZE THE PARTS OF YOUR PAPER THE FOLLOWING ARE SOME OF THE THEMES THAT YOU COULD DEVELOP EITHER IN A BP OR IN A SECTION OF YOUR PAPER: DESCRIPTION OF SPECIFIC ASIAN CULTURAL TRAITS THAT WOULD AFFECT EFFECTIVE HEALTH CARE COMMUNICATION ” THIS MIGHT BE A SECTION OF YOUR PAPER HOW DO CULTURAL BELIEFS STOP PEOPLE FROM EVEN SEEKKING WESTERN STYLE HEALTH CARE? WHICH SPECIFIC DISEASES ARE PARTICULARLY DIFFICULT TO TREAT IN ASIAN COUNTRIES DUE TO CULTURAL BELIEFS WHAT CAN BE DONE ABOUT THIS ” SOLUTION ONE >>>MORE INFORMED HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS REGARDING THIS PROBLEM REQUIREMENT OF THIS ASSIGNMENT: Based on the above proposal and comments, I need an outline according to the template below: Main Research Question >>> How do Asian Cultural Beliefs Affect Their Response to Healthcare? I. First Sub Question “ Section Question A. First Body paragraph theme will be >>> B. Second Body paragraph theme >>> C. Third Body Paragraph theme >>> D. Fourth Body Paragraph Theme >>> II. Second Sub Question “ Section Question A. First Body paragraph theme B. Second Body paragraph theme C. Third Body Paragraph theme III. Third Sub Question “ Section Question A. First Body paragraph theme B. Second Body paragraph theme C. Third Body Paragraph theme D. Fourth Body Paragraph theme
How Do Asian Cultural Beliefs Negatively Affect their Response to Healthcare