HomelesnessOrder Description i took a first run at this paper, but my proff pointed out specific points in which he wants added to this paper. Im out of time!!:)I will upload the paper,and my hope is that you can add the missing parts,using most of my original work.your 5 pages along with my 7 pages will complete the paper. What follows is what i need added to the paper, along with my proff comments.CULTURAL COMPETENCY: Recognizes cultural diversity within the context represented in the paper ? Demonstrates awareness of her/his cultural worldview and is able to recognize the boundaries, biases and blind spots of that particular cultural perspective. Comments: Rating This paper lacks much demonstration of cultural awareness, specifically how your cultural background influenced your perspectives in doing this research. PCFORMAT: demonstrates writing and research skills using APA style and citations Comments: Rating While the content of the paper is strong, the references lacked appropriate APA style. It also seemed that the formatting that was used in writing the paper resulted in words being split in weird ways between lines of type, which made the reading a little difficult at times. PCCRITICAL THINKING: demonstrates skills in the assessment and analysis of the ideas of others and the capacity to construct original ideas Comments: Rating This paper seemed to lack an appropriate level of critical thinking. It seemed like you were basically writing as an advocate for better mental health treatment for the mentally ill and homeless, rather than representing both sides of the conflict. PCOVERALL Comments: Rating While I think the topic is one that is a conflict in our community, and it seemed like you gathered significant data on the issue, it seemed to only represent one side of the issue, Gia. What are the arguments and mental models that allow the situation to continue? You also did not include your Self in this paper in terms of the importance of this issue for you and the impact on you of writing the paper.HERE IS THE ORIGINAL ASSIGNMENTCounseling Theory I: Conflict Exploration Paper (2nd semester, Spring, 2016)The purpose of this paper is threefold: 1 To develop greater awareness of a cultural or diversity issue that divides your local community 2 To practice research and critical thinking skills to deepen your comprehensive knowledge on an issue of impact 3 To become aware of your relation to and personal investment in the issue, and how that influences your understanding and ability to respondThis paper should be approximately 12 pages long, double-spaced, using one-inch margins and a 12-point font, and should include: ? A thesis statement, including: the purpose of your paper, how you will go about establishing your ideas, and the limitations of the paper (the ground you are unable to cover in a paper of this size). ? References in APA format, including a reference page. Make sure you include page numbers when referencing in the body of your paper. Refer to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association for information about correct format; a copy of this manual is available in the LIOS library. (Note: the exception we request to APA styling is that block quotes should be single spaced.)Part I: The Topic In this section, describe, in detail, a conflict that is alive in your community. Provide the history and an in-depth description of the current conflict. Include the different perspectives contained in the conflict including issues of diversity. Illustrate your ideas using appropriate references and quotations.Part II: The Research This assignment calls for qualitative research, which in contrast to purely statistical data, is in the service of deepening the researcher?s knowledge on a topic through exploration and discovery. You may include phenomenological research, which explores the lived experience of the other, and/or heuristic research, which focuses on the researcher?s own experience. You will include your own voice and your experience as part of the research text. Include support for your research from the material addressed in curriculum. ? Describe your research process and approach. Keep in mind that this paper is about exploration, and not about resolution. ? Include how the theory and practice of conflict exploration addressed in the curriculum and readings informed your process. Beyond traditional research sources you may also include articles, interviews, videos or documentaries, attendance at meetings etc. as research technologies for deepening your knowledge and experience of the topic of your choice (All must be accurately APA cited).Part III: Meaning Making ? Describe your personal perspective on the conflict. What is your stance on this issue? How is this stance influenced, informed, by your family of origin and your cultural experiences? ? Describe your experience of doing this assignment, including any somatic, intellectual, emotional reactions you had in relationship to the issue and/or in doing the assignment. Did you find your understanding of and position on the issue changing? If so, how and why? ? Reflect briefly on how the experience of exploring this material will impact your future clinical work.
Homelesness Academic Essay