Frequency, Severity, Warning time, Duration and a column labeled sum. For each hazard you will use the attached PDF document Marcopa County Calculated Priority Risk Index. This will direct you to what value you should use for the severity, frequency, warning time and duration. You will use your knowledge and opinion to select which value fit best in the hazard(s) you selected. In the last column you will take the four number for that hazard and add them up. That number is what will go in the final column labeled sum.
homeland Security

In addition to our textbook, use at least two recent (less than 7 years old) ACADEMIC references .
answer the following questions:
1. Briefly Summarize the Kansas City Preventive Patrol Experiment. Are the implications of the results still current today? Should they be relied on to make patrol allocation and distribution decisions in modern cities and communities? Why or why not? Fully explain your position.
The complete study may be found here
but should not be used as one of your references.
2. In 1982, Kelling and Wilson proposed the famous “Broken Windows” theory that resulted in many changes in police patrol emphasis. Recent studies have resulted in some professional disagreement with the original theory. Again, using recent academic references, briefly discuss the theory and whether you believe it should be considered valid for police resource utilization.