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HND in Business

HND in Business
Unit Outcomes Covered:
On successful completion of this unit a learner will:
LO1 Understand learning theories and learning styles
LO2 Be able to plan and design training and development
LO3 Be able to evaluate a training event
LO4 Understand government-led skills development initiatives

Tutor Notes
Key Points:
? Your work should be submitted by the deadline.
? The assignment must be your own work and original in all answers to the tasks.
? All sources used should be correctly referenced in Harvard format.
? You will be expected to check spelling mistakes and grammar before submitting
your work.
? The London School of Business and Management Cover sheet should be used in
every submitted work.
? An appropriate report structure should be used, which may include headings such
as: Table of Contents, Introduction, Discussion/Evaluation, Conclusions, References
and Appendices (if necessary).
? There should be clarity of expression in your work.
? Your work should demonstrate, for example, relevant factual content and
understanding of the subject, critical analysis, evaluation, justifications, key
arguments, correct use of appropriate models/framework etc.
Submission Regulations
1. “Assignment Front Cover Sheet” must accompany every submitted work [Cover sheet
is available from our Virtual Learning Environment – Moodle].
2. Assignments must be submitted on or before the due date, via Turnitin. Please refer
to the LSBM Moodle for detailed assignment submission instructions.
Assignment Tasks:
Task 1:
People learn in different ways and the various ways that people learn represent their
preferred learning styles. According to Honey and Mumford (1982) there are four learning
styles such as activist, reflector, theorist and pragmatist. Fleming’s model (2001) postulates
that there are three types of learning style; Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic. Similarly there
are various theories of learning. The main ones are behaviourism, cognitivism and
constructivism. It is very important for managers to understand the above theories and
learning styles in order to design effective training programmes for their employees.
(a) Compare the different learning styles.(Covers AC1.1)
(Guidance: In this section you have to discuss how far the learning styles are similar
and different with reference to learners.)
(b) Explain the role of the learning curve and the importance of transfer learning to the
workplace. (Covers AC1.2)
(Guidance: You have to explain effect of the learning curve and the importance of
transferring that learning to the workplace.)
(c) Assess the contribution of different learning styles and theories on the planning and
designing of a learning/training event. (Covers AC1.3)
(Guidance: you have to explain how the different learning styles influence managers in
the in the design and planning of a learning/training event.)
To achieve M1, you will make effective judgements of the importance for managers to
understand the importance of learning styles in designing and planning a learning/ training
To achieve M2, you will have used suitable techniques in the planning and designing of a
learning/training event.
(Task 1 covers assessment criteria AC1.1, AC1.2, AC1.3, M1 & M2)
Task 2:
There are three main levels for the various functions in an organisation’s structure: the
lower level (operational level), the middle management level and the senior management
level. At different levels staffs have different training needs and require different knowledge,
skills and competences to achieve the strategic goals of an organisation. At the operational
level staffs need technical knowledge, skills and competences. At the middle management
level staffs need knowledge, skills and competences in budgeting, planning organising and
controlling and at senior management level staffs need knowledge, skills and competences
in dealing with strategic issues. Some training methods are more appropriate and effective
at one level than others. Moreover, to plan and to develop a cost effective training event for
new employees require a systematic approach.
(a) Compare and discuss the training needs of staff at different levels of an organisation.
(Covers AC2.1)
(b) Assess the advantages and disadvantages of training methods used in an organisation.
(Covers AC2.2)
(c) Use a systematic approach to plan training and development for a training event for
new employees in an organisation. (Covers AC2.3)
To achieve M3, your work must be in appropriate format with the use of correct
terminology, academic theories and relevant examples of organisations you are familiar
To achieve D1, you will have used relevant academic theories, analysis, critical thinking
and drawn logical conclusions about the strategic roles of training in an organisation of your
(Task 2 covers assessment criteria AC2.1, AC2.2, AC2.3, M3 & D1)
Task 3:
In the design and planning of any training event managers need to consider how the
effectiveness of the training will be evaluated and what techniques will be used.
Observations, performance appraisal, interviews, survey questionnaire, peer observations
are common techniques used in evaluation.
(a) Prepare an evaluation plan using suitable techniques you are planning for in AC2.3
(Covers AC3.1)
(Guidelines: In order to address this task satisfactorily, you should explain when the
evaluation will take place; who will evaluate the training event, and so forth and explain at
least two methods to evaluate the effectiveness of the training event.
(b) How to carry out an evaluation of the training event you have planned in AC2.3.
(Covers AC3.2)
(Guidance: In order to address this task, you need to evaluate the objectives, time frame,
and the teaching/training methods of the training event.)
(C) Review the success of the evaluation methods used. (Covers AC3.3)
(Guidelines: In order to address this task, you need to review the strengths and
weaknesses of the two methods of evaluation you mentioned in task AC3.1)
(Task 3 covers assessment criteria AC3.1, AC3.2 & AC3.3)
Task 4:
So as to support the growth, survival and competitiveness of UK firms the government
has implemented several training and development initiatives with a strong focus on
lifelong learning for continuous professional development of the labour force and the
employability of people in the working age group. Some examples are : Industry Training
organisations (ITOs), Investors in People (IiP), Business Links (BLs), Training and Local
Enterprise Councils (TECs/LECS), National Vocational Qualifications (NVQs) and Modern
Apprenticeships (MAs)
(a) Explain the role of government in training and development and the growing
emphasis on lifelong learning. (Covers AC4.1)
(Guidance: you must undertake some research on the above organizations to understand
the role of government in promoting training and development in the UK labour force)
(b) Explain how the development of the competency movement has impacted on the
public and private sectors. (Covers AC4.2)
(Guidance: You have to explain how UK government initiatives have improved the
performance of both the public and the private sectors. You must undertake some
research work.)
(c) Assess how contemporary training initiatives introduced by the UK government
contribute to human resources development of an organisation. (Covers AC4.3)
(Guidance: You must undertake some research work for this section. Make
recommendations what other initiatives the UK government should take to face future
To achieve D2, you will have demonstrated an effective approach to independent
research, theories and Harvard style of referencing. This applies to the whole assignment.
To achieve D3, you will have to show effective thinking to reflect your learning and
development in the study of the module. You will also include some recommendations to
reflect your effective thinking.
(Task 4 covers assessment criteria AC4.1, AC4.2 & AC4.3, D2 & D3)
Grading Criteria (Pass, Merit, Distinction)
Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria for Pass
LO1: Understand learning
theories and learning styles
AC1.1 Compare different learning styles
AC1.2 Explain the role of the learning curve and the
importance of transferring learning to the workplace
AC1.3 Assess the contribution of learning styles and
theories when planning and designing a learning event
LO2. Be able to plan and
design training and
AC2.1 Compare the training needs of staff at different
levels in an organisation
AC2.2 Assess the advantages and disadvantages of
training methods used in an organisation
AC2.3 Use a systematic approach to plan training and
development for a training event.
LO3. Be able to evaluate a
training event.
AC3.1 Prepare an evaluation using suitable techniques
AC3.2 Carry out an evaluation of a training event
AC3.3 Review the success of the evaluation methods
LO4. Understand
government led skills
development initiatives
AC4.1 Explain the role of government in training,
development and lifelong learning
AC4.2 Explain how the development of the competency
movement has impacted on the public and private
AC4.3 Assess how contemporary training initiatives
introduced by the UK government contribute to human
resources development for an organisation.
Grade Descriptors for MERIT Possible evidence
M1 Identify and apply
strategies to find appropriate
To achieve M1, you will make effective judgements of
the importance for managers to understand the
importance of learning styles in designing and planning
a learning/ training event. (Task 1)
M2 Select / design
appropriate methods /
To achieve M2, you will have used suitable techniques
in the planning and designing of a learning/training
event. (Task 1)
M3 Present and
communicate appropriate
To achieve M3, your work must be in appropriate format
with the use of correct terminology, academic theories
and relevant examples of organisations you are familiar
with. (Task 2)
Grade Descriptors for
Possible evidence
D1 Use critical reflection to
evaluate own work and
justify valid conclusions
To achieve D1, you will have used relevant academic
theories, analysis, critical thinking and drawn logical
conclusions about the strategic roles of training in an
organisation of your choice. (Task 2)
D2 Take responsibility for
managing and organising
To achieve D2, you will have demonstrated an effective
approach to independent research, theories and
Harvard style of referencing. This applies to the whole
assignment. (Task 4)
D3 Demonstrate convergent
/ lateral / creative thinking
To achieve D3, you will have to show effective thinking
to reflect your learning and development in the study of
the module. You will also include some
recommendations to reflect your effective thinking.
(Task 4)

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