Use the book American Destiny, Volume 2 as a source!!!
1. Define all of the following:A. Foxwoods casinoB.Burlingame Treaty, 1868C.49ersD.Sand Creek massacre, 1864E.Fetterman massacre, 18662.With reference to Native Americans, concentration meant-> Fill in the blank.3.Why awere Plains Indians called the best light cavalry in the world?4.4.Define all of the following:A. Indian RingB.Custders Last StandC.Indian teritoryD.Severalty Act, 1887E. Comstock Lode5.Which one does not belong here and why? THINK.A.Deadwood DickB.Jesse JamesC.Billy the KidD.George A. Custer6.What was the goal of the Homestead Act? Was it a success? Why/ why not? What was the 98 degree line?7.What was the transcontinental railroad? How many were there really? Why was its building significant for the winning of the West?8. The railroads made the Cattle Kingdom possible. How? What events, inventions brought about the Kingdoms decline?9.What were the range wars?
10.Who were the robber barons?11.Define the following:A. George WestinghouseB.George EastmanC.Thomas EdisonD.Henry BessemerE. George Pullman12.Railroads helped build the country and conquer the West. They also did some unsavory things as well. Explain your answer.13.What were the origins of the U.S. Steel Corporation?14.-is to steel who – is to oil. Who are these people? Why were they important?15.What is Social Darwinism? Why is it relevant to this chapter? Does the Gospel of Wealth apply here?16.Which one does not belong here and why?A.Henry GeorgeB. J.P. MorganC. Henry D. LloydD.Edward BellamyE. Karl Marx17. The case of Munn vs. Illinois was important because. Complete that statement.18.The Sherman Act successfully retarded the growth of monopoloies. Explain your answer.19. Which one does not belong here and why?A.Samuel GompersB.Terence PowderlyC.Jay GouldC.Eugene DebsD.Adolf Strasser20.There were several violent labor disoputes during the period 1877-1900 but the worst by far was the because. Complete that statement. There are several possible choices so be sure to explain your answer.21.What did you learn about sex in this time period? About gender?22.What jobs/professions were open to women, ca. 1890? Was life on the farm any easier?23.The idea ofrags to riches success permeated the literature of the period, but how real was it?
24.Who were the new Immigrants? Why did they come?25.Define the following:A.birds of passageB.NordicC.NativismD.melting potE.tenements26.The new types of roads and the types of transportation transformed city life. Why? How?27.Increased leisure had an upside and a downside. Why?28.What was the Social Gospel? What conditions brought it about? Explain thwe ideas of two of its leaders.29.The most famous settglement house was. because. Complete that statement. Be sure to define what a settlement house was.30. Two prominent critics of these times were and . Name them, their major works and their key ideas.