you are to find an image that falls within the time frames we are studying (1920 1939), and that you feel captures the zeitgeist for the period. . Discuss fashion and society on either side of that date.Focus here is to be detailed, specifically to carefully look at, think about, and explore what about this image or garment captures the time and the feeling of the time period. Within the context of the paper explain how the image represents the time frame. This means you need to have a deep understanding of that period of time, what forces in society shaped it. . Image is from 1928 ( ), discuss fashion and society on either side of that date. Your focus here is to be detailed, specifically to carefully look at, think about, and explore what about this image or garment captures the time and the feeling of the time period. Within the context of the paper explain how the image represents the time frame. This means you need to have a deep understanding of that period of time, what forces in society shaped it.Your paper needs to be a thoughtfully written, critical analysis, of both the image and the time frame the image/garment occurred in. Support your analysis with at least 6 8 referenced sources this could be your text, other texts, or online sources that offer strong historical research content.
Written paper is to be no longer than 3.5 written pages.The title and citation pages do not count in this total. Paper needs to be presented in Size 12 font, 1.5 line spacing, APA format for citation page and in text citation.
History of contemporary dress from 1920-1939