In the adult maintenance hemodialysis patient, will a standardized documentation process for nursing management and assessment of vascular access increase conversion success to permanent fistula/graft access?” interventions, using clamps vs. hand holding, heparin and life expectancy of a graft or fistula, Introduction (Introduction & Clinical Question/ PICO) – Identified the clinical issue/problem of interest and support the need to conduct an evidence search to answer the question (with supporting citations). (Introduction & Clinical Question/ PICO) – Justified the relevance/significance of the topic to nursing practice (with supporting citations). – Identified the patient population of interest. introduced the clinical question statement and PICO. 1.Determine if the issue is a: 1.Treatment/Intervention/Therapy 2.Prevention,3.Diagnosis,4.Prognosis/Prediction; or5.Etiology style question1.Identify one nursing practice issue or clinical problem in your organization (this issue will become the basis for the other assignments in this course). Ask your nursing manager or supervisor for ideas. 1.Describe the nursing practice issue or clinical problem of interest. 2.Provide rationale which supports the need to conduct an evidence based research 3.Utilize referenced evidenced to support the description and rationale of the practice issue or clinical problem.2.Identify the patient population of interest. 3.Justify the relevance and/or significance of the topic to nursing practice and support comments with reference evidence.

Order Description
In the adult maintenance hemodialysis patient, will a standardized documentation process for nursing management and assessment of vascular access increase conversion success to permanent fistula/graft access?” interventions, using clamps vs. hand holding, heparin and life expectancy of a graft or fistula,
Introduction (Introduction & Clinical Question/ PICO) – Identified the clinical issue/problem of interest and support the need to conduct an evidence search to answer the question (with supporting citations). (Introduction & Clinical Question/ PICO) – Justified the relevance/significance of the topic to nursing practice (with supporting citations). – Identified the patient population of interest. introduced the clinical question statement and PICO.
1.Determine if the issue is a: 1.Treatment/Intervention/Therapy
2.Prevention,3.Diagnosis,4.Prognosis/Prediction; or5.Etiology style question1.Identify one nursing practice issue or clinical problem in your organization (this issue will become the basis for the other assignments in this course). Ask your nursing manager or supervisor for ideas. 1.Describe the nursing practice issue or clinical problem of interest.
2.Provide rationale which supports the need to conduct an evidence based research
3.Utilize referenced evidenced to support the description and rationale of the practice issue or clinical problem.2.Identify the patient population of interest. 3.Justify the relevance and/or significance of the topic to nursing practice and support comments with reference evidence.

Order Description
In the adult maintenance hemodialysis patient, will a standardized documentation process for nursing management and assessment of vascular access increase conversion success to permanent fistula/graft access?” interventions, using clamps vs. hand holding, heparin and life expectancy of a graft or fistula,
Introduction (Introduction & Clinical Question/ PICO) – Identified the clinical issue/problem of interest and support the need to conduct an evidence search to answer the question (with supporting citations). (Introduction & Clinical Question/ PICO) – Justified the relevance/significance of the topic to nursing practice (with supporting citations). – Identified the patient population of interest. introduced the clinical question statement and PICO.
1.Determine if the issue is a: 1.Treatment/Intervention/Therapy
2.Prevention,3.Diagnosis,4.Prognosis/Prediction; or5.Etiology style question1.Identify one nursing practice issue or clinical problem in your organization (this issue will become the basis for the other assignments in this course). Ask your nursing manager or supervisor for ideas. 1.Describe the nursing practice issue or clinical problem of interest.
2.Provide rationale which supports the need to conduct an evidence based research
3.Utilize referenced evidenced to support the description and rationale of the practice issue or clinical problem.2.Identify the patient population of interest. 3.Justify the relevance and/or significance of the topic to nursing practice and support comments with reference evidence.