helps with some topics to choose from.Write a 750- to 1000-word, six-paragraph argumentative essay on a topic of your choice. Make sure that the topic is arguable and that your argument is not too obviousi.e. It is wrong to steal or People shouldnt abuse their children.The essay must include evidence from three reliable sources outside the textbook. They may be internet sources, but PLEASE review Chapter 8 to determine what constitutes a reliable source. Wikipedia is NOT a reliable source, and it may not be counted as one of your three sources.The essay must include a strong introductory paragraph that ends with the thesis as well as a concluding paragraph that restates the thesis without using exact words. Ordinarily, there is no cited information in the introductory and concluding paragraphs.Each of the three body paragraphs should contain a topic sentence that relates to the thesis and identifies a strong reason for your argument. Body paragraphs should include strong evidence to support the topic sentence and the thesis. Remember to cite borrowed information in the text, even if youve put it in your own words. While using quotes can sometimes be helpful, essays that are too dependent on quotes and/or include long quotes usually BORE the reader.Your essay MUST include a counterargument/refutation paragraph after your third body paragraph and before your concluding paragraph. It should include cited evidence.The essay MUST be presented in proper MLA format, with in-text citations included for each quote, and a properly-formatted Works Cited page.If youre not sure how to cite something, NEVER guess. Ask a librarian or your instructor. The Chat with a Librarian feature on the librarys website can be helpful for this.DO NOT write this essay using first- or second-person. It must be written entirely in third-person.Standards for all essays for the course are provided in the syllabus.Upload your completed final draft into the designated D2L Dropbox by 11:59 P.M. CDT on Sunday, August 16, 2015.Basic Outline for Essay 4Paragraph One: Introductionincludes a strong thesis.Paragraph Two: Reason #1 for your argument. Include strong cited evidence.Paragraph Three: Reason #2 for your argument. Include strong cited evidence.Paragraph Four: Reason #3 for your argument. Include strong cited evidence.Paragraph Five: Counterargument/Refutation. Include cited reasons why those who oppose your argument are wrong.Paragraph Six: Conclusion
helps with some topics to choose from.Write a 750- to 1000-word, six-paragraph argumentative essay on a topic of your choice. Make sure that the topic is arguable and that your argument is not too obviousi.e. It is wrong to steal or People shouldnt abuse their children.The essay must include evidence from three reliable sources outside the textbook. They may be internet sources, but PLEASE review Chapter 8 to determine what constitutes a reliable source. Wikipedia is NOT a reliable source, and it may not be counted as one of your three sources.The essay must include a strong introductory paragraph that ends with the thesis as well as a concluding paragraph that restates the thesis without using exact words. Ordinarily, there is no cited information in the introductory and concluding paragraphs.Each of the three body paragraphs should contain a topic sentence that relates to the thesis and identifies a strong reason for your argument. Body paragraphs should include strong evidence to support the topic sentence and the thesis. Remember to cite borrowed information in the text, even if youve put it in your own words. While using quotes can sometimes be helpful, essays that are too dependent on quotes and/or include long quotes usually BORE the reader.Your essay MUST include a counterargument/refutation paragraph after your third body paragraph and before your concluding paragraph. It should include cited evidence.The essay MUST be presented in proper MLA format, with in-text citations included for each quote, and a properly-formatted Works Cited page.If youre not sure how to cite something, NEVER guess. Ask a librarian or your instructor. The Chat with a Librarian feature on the librarys website can be helpful for this.DO NOT write this essay using first- or second-person. It must be written entirely in third-person.Standards for all essays for the course are provided in the syllabus.Upload your completed final draft into the designated D2L Dropbox by 11:59 P.M. CDT on Sunday, August 16, 2015.Basic Outline for Essay 4Paragraph One: Introductionincludes a strong thesis.Paragraph Two: Reason #1 for your argument. Include strong cited evidence.Paragraph Three: Reason #2 for your argument. Include strong cited evidence.Paragraph Four: Reason #3 for your argument. Include strong cited evidence.Paragraph Five: Counterargument/Refutation. Include cited reasons why those who oppose your argument are wrong.Paragraph Six: Conclusion