Calculate the transient and steady state thermal characteristics of what happens when the light is turned on. The main characterisation is the conduction through all the walls of the box, and the convection and radiation from the outer walls of the box. Use Lumped Capacitance to model transient response (is this an appropriate use?) Evaluate on excel. Graph all work. Evaluate using a number of bulbs, but must be below 40W. Once the theoretical evaluation is completed then the experimental evaluation can take place. Compare results. Detail any discrepancies and explain how it is resolved.Use temperature sensors. How many?, Where? (try using a thermal imaging camera to see how uniformly the box heats up) Check temperature sensors for accuracy. How? Is humidity an issue? Thermal Resistance profile. a word page for report and a Excel Workbook for analysis Experimental data
Heated Box Experimental Evaluation
March 17th, 2017