***Please answer the the following two questions on a two page paper, meaning one page for each questions. This assignment is related to healthcare law so make sure to incoporate some healthcare
system ideas in the information. More credit will be applied to substantive & creative answers, and those principles that could enhance the health care system. please make sure to encoporate
creative ideas as well. thank you**below are the questions to answer**1.Review the Legal System of Health Care Statutory Laws, whether it be Federal or State Statutory or Administrative Law. Then determine, as best you can, which LAW should, in your opinion, be
modified or repealed. Then clearly explain your answer, by also referencing legal principles.2. Review the Legal System of Health Care Case Law, whether it be the Federal or the State Court System. Determine, as best you can, what case law you think should be modified or overturned
and why, also referencing legal principles.
healthcare law

healthcare law

healthcare law
Jones & Bartlett Learning (2014). Navigate Scenario: LearnScapes for Health Care Law. ISBN-13: 9781284039153
You will need to buy access to the interactive LearnScapes for Healthcare Law program directly from the publisher. Go to
Begin case review and assessment.
In Scenario 1: Hospital Nightmare, a negligence lawsuit has recently been filed against the facility. You, the student, will need to gather information about the incident from the parties involved, and work with the Health Care System’s General Counsel to determine the Hospital’s liability.
Whether a duty to care was established
Whether the duty was breached
Whether the patient was injured due to negligence
Whether to file an indemnification against any of the staff members involved
begin with CASE SUMMARY: sumarize the key points in the case
bulk of paper to follow will discuss the following:
Whether a duty to care was established
Whether the duty was breached
Whether the patient was injured due to negligence
Whether to file an indemnification against any of the staff members involve
conclusion must discuss your role as a manager and what you would do in a case like this and why
attach the LearnScapes assessment file for this case
healthcare law

healthcare law
Jones & Bartlett Learning (2014). Navigate Scenario: LearnScapes for Health Care Law. ISBN-13: 9781284039153
You will need to buy access to the interactive LearnScapes for Healthcare Law program directly from the publisher. Go to
Begin case review and assessment.
In Scenario 1: Hospital Nightmare, a negligence lawsuit has recently been filed against the facility. You, the student, will need to gather information about the incident from the parties involved, and work with the Health Care System’s General Counsel to determine the Hospital’s liability.
Whether a duty to care was established
Whether the duty was breached
Whether the patient was injured due to negligence
Whether to file an indemnification against any of the staff members involved
begin with CASE SUMMARY: sumarize the key points in the case
bulk of paper to follow will discuss the following:
Whether a duty to care was established
Whether the duty was breached
Whether the patient was injured due to negligence
Whether to file an indemnification against any of the staff members involve
conclusion must discuss your role as a manager and what you would do in a case like this and why
attach the LearnScapes assessment file for this case