You are required to submit a plan for a health promotion funding proposal. Assume you are writing this proposal to convince the funding body that the issue is significant enough to warrant funding and the proposal you present clearly describes what you will do, why and how. The funding body will want to know what your outcomes will be and how you will measure whether of not you achieved what you proposed. The health promotion you propose is in response to some of the key issues of the topic you addressed in the literature review in relation to your identified target group. In order to plan your health promotion proposal you will need to design a project/program/intervention with one specific aim and 3 specific, measurable, realistic objectives that could be achieved within a set time frame. (Objectives can relate to changes in knowledge, attitudes, behaviour and/or structures). How you achieve these objectives is through the strategies. Think about what strategies will work best with your target group and in which settings. Outline the strategies you would use. To demonstrate some understanding of the 5 key action areas outlined in the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion, your funding proposal will also discuss how you incorporated the key action areas (at least two action areas) for health promotion (outlined in the Ottawa Charter for Health promotion) into your proposal. The final task of this proposal is to discuss why, how and what you would evaluate. Describe how you could evaluate the process, impact and outcome of the project/program/intervention (ie process evaluation relates to the implementation process; impact evaluation relates to immediate effects ? re the objectives; outcome evaluation relates to long-term effects ? re the aim). The health promotion funding proposal Write a proposal using the following headings (adapted from Talbot & Verrinder, 2005, pp.165 -166). Write in sentences, not bullet points. written in relation to attached, previous essay œPhysical Inactivity in Children. MUST include in-text referencing including page numbers, and reference page must have doi’s or URL addresses using APA style 6. same journal articles from physical inactivity can be used in health promotion proposal.
Health Promotion Proposal