Health care and the Constituition
Answer all parts of all questions below.
Assume you’re talking to a group of fellow nurses, fellow political scientists, or to any people interested in politics or health care policy. You tell them you’re taking this class, and they ask you to tell them about the Affordable Care Act.
(1) What are the main provisions of the Affordable Care Act? What larger goals does the ACA seek to achieve? How does the law intend to achieve them?
(2) What did the U.S. Supreme Court rule about the ACA in NFIB v. Sebelius? What parts of the Act were upheld? What parts were struck down, or revised? How have states reacted?
(3) What later issues did the U.S. Supreme Court decide in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby and King v. Burwell? Did the Court decide those cases properly? Defend your view against opposing arguments. What effect will those decisions have on implementing the ACA?
(4) In your view, what provisions of the ACA have been–or promise to be—its most successful reforms? What additional problems may arise because of the ACA?
(5) Is the ACA working as Congress intended when it passed the law? Why or why not? How could or should the ACA be changed in order to improve health care in the United States?
Guidelines: Use 12 pt. Times New Roman font with 1-inch margins on all sides.
Your answer should do all of the following:
(1) Clearly state your argument in your introduction. You must take a position on the questions you answer.
(2) Accurately state supporting and opposing views as presented in the cases and articles. Address their arguments directly.
(3) Show me and tell me. Refer to specific arguments in the text of assigned opinions and articles. Include a citation with the name of the case and page number you mention (Wickard v. Filburn, p. 360; NFIB v. Sebelius, p. 14) or the author and title of an article or website link. If an opinion or source does not have page numbers, number them beginning with page 1. Your answer should include many citations.
(4) Include a Works Cited list at the end of your paper .
(5) Have excellent style, organization, grammar and spelling.