Model your routines after this example: BACK & CHEST Explanations are: The reason I recommend this is because ¦ it increases the number and size of mitochondria; trains slow/fast/intermediate twitch muscle fibers; etc. They must include the muscle fiber types. 1. Design a routine for a forty-year-old woman whose goal is to lose 20 pounds of fat without œgetting too big. What will you do to help her lose the weight without adding bulk? Include routines, sets, reps, exercises, diet and supplements you recommend. How many days per week should she train? Note that you cannot include a low rep, multiple set, bodybuilding-split routine as your answer. Explain your reasons for making theserecommendations. 2. Design a routine for a twenty-year-old man whose goal is to gain weight and build muscle mass. Include routines, sets, reps, exercises, diet and supplements you recommend. How many days per week should he train? Explain your reasons for making these recommendations. 3. Design a routine for a thirty-year-old man whose goal to tone up without over training or exerting. Include routines, sets, reps, exercises and diet and supplements you recommend. How many days each week should he train? Note that you cannot include a bodybuildingsplit routine as your answer. Explain your reasons for making these recommendations.
Health and fitness training outlining the routines, sets, exercises, diet and schedule recommend for the client. Assume each client is in good health.