HCS206 Blood Science 2015-16
Haematology / Transfusion Case Study Report Guide
This coursework will comprise a haematology/transfusion science case study, encompassing
elements from both the practical sessions and lectures.
Important note: your coursework should be submitted by midnight, Sunday 13th
December 2015. You should submit an electronic copy of the coursework through
The evaluation will be based on:
• Understanding of material
• Quality of data analysis and interpretation
• Structure and relevance
Assessment guidance: The coursework will assess the learning outcome:
S4 – Gain proficiency in the interpretation of data in laboratory practicals and by clinical case
The case reports should include: Limit 1500 words
• Description of the case
o As given in the case outline
• Evaluation and analysis of the laboratory findings. Structure your report by
answering the following questions:
o Explain the morphological features of the blood film (20%)
o Explain the full blood count observations (20%)
o Interpret the results of the biochemical tests – how does this aid in obtaining
a differential diagnosis? (10%)
o What is the differential diagnosis (ie the most likely diagnosis)? – include in
your answer a description of the pathogenesis (mechanism of the disease)
o Describe a common cause for this nutrient deficiency in developed countries
• Conclusion
o A short conclusion (1-2 sentences) describing the major findings.
Make sure that you reference your work accurately (eg. Textbooks, NHS websites etc), and
remember that the presentation of your work as well as the content will count towards your
HCS206 Blood Science 2015-16
Case: A 72-year old man with a several-week history of fatigue, loss of appetite, and feeling
feverish presented at hospital with severe pallor and signs of left and right ventricular
failure. The peripheral blood film showed: (large arrowhead is pointing to a red cell with
basophilic stippling)
Results of the biochemical tests were as follows:
Patients results Normal value
Serum B12 50 ng/L 150-1000 ng/L
Red cell folate 200 µg/L packed red cells 150-1000 µg/L
Lactate dehydrogenase 658 IU/L 230-450 IU/L
Full Blood Count
Test Patient
Normal Ranges
WBC x 109/L 6.2 4.0-11.0
RBC x 1012/L 2.72 4.60-5.70
Hb g/dL 7.9 13.5-18.0
Hct % 23 35-53
MCV fL 114 83.0-99.0
MCH pg 31.2 30.8-34.6
Reticulocyte count x 109/L 30 50-100
HCS206 Blood Science 2015-16

HCS206 Blood Science 2015-16

HCS206 Blood Science 2015-16
Haematology / Transfusion Case Study Report Guide
This coursework will comprise a haematology/transfusion science case study, encompassing
elements from both the practical sessions and lectures.
Important note: your coursework should be submitted by midnight, Sunday 13th
December 2015. You should submit an electronic copy of the coursework through
The evaluation will be based on:
• Understanding of material
• Quality of data analysis and interpretation
• Structure and relevance
Assessment guidance: The coursework will assess the learning outcome:
S4 – Gain proficiency in the interpretation of data in laboratory practicals and by clinical case
The case reports should include: Limit 1500 words
• Description of the case
o As given in the case outline
• Evaluation and analysis of the laboratory findings. Structure your report by
answering the following questions:
o Explain the morphological features of the blood film (20%)
o Explain the full blood count observations (20%)
o Interpret the results of the biochemical tests – how does this aid in obtaining
a differential diagnosis? (10%)
o What is the differential diagnosis (ie the most likely diagnosis)? – include in
your answer a description of the pathogenesis (mechanism of the disease)
o Describe a common cause for this nutrient deficiency in developed countries
• Conclusion
o A short conclusion (1-2 sentences) describing the major findings.
Make sure that you reference your work accurately (eg. Textbooks, NHS websites etc), and
remember that the presentation of your work as well as the content will count towards your
HCS206 Blood Science 2015-16
Case: A 72-year old man with a several-week history of fatigue, loss of appetite, and feeling
feverish presented at hospital with severe pallor and signs of left and right ventricular
failure. The peripheral blood film showed: (large arrowhead is pointing to a red cell with
basophilic stippling)
Results of the biochemical tests were as follows:
Patients results Normal value
Serum B12 50 ng/L 150-1000 ng/L
Red cell folate 200 µg/L packed red cells 150-1000 µg/L
Lactate dehydrogenase 658 IU/L 230-450 IU/L
Full Blood Count
Test Patient
Normal Ranges
WBC x 109/L 6.2 4.0-11.0
RBC x 1012/L 2.72 4.60-5.70
Hb g/dL 7.9 13.5-18.0
Hct % 23 35-53
MCV fL 114 83.0-99.0
MCH pg 31.2 30.8-34.6
Reticulocyte count x 109/L 30 50-100
HCS206 Blood Science 2015-16

HCS206 Blood Science 2015-16
Haematology / Transfusion Case Study Report Guide
This coursework will comprise a haematology/transfusion science case study, encompassing
elements from both the practical sessions and lectures.
Important note: your coursework should be submitted by midnight, Sunday 13th
December 2015. You should submit an electronic copy of the coursework through
The evaluation will be based on:
• Understanding of material
• Quality of data analysis and interpretation
• Structure and relevance
Assessment guidance: The coursework will assess the learning outcome:
S4 – Gain proficiency in the interpretation of data in laboratory practicals and by clinical case
The case reports should include: Limit 1500 words
• Description of the case
o As given in the case outline
• Evaluation and analysis of the laboratory findings. Structure your report by
answering the following questions:
o Explain the morphological features of the blood film (20%)
o Explain the full blood count observations (20%)
o Interpret the results of the biochemical tests – how does this aid in obtaining
a differential diagnosis? (10%)
o What is the differential diagnosis (ie the most likely diagnosis)? – include in
your answer a description of the pathogenesis (mechanism of the disease)
o Describe a common cause for this nutrient deficiency in developed countries
• Conclusion
o A short conclusion (1-2 sentences) describing the major findings.
Make sure that you reference your work accurately (eg. Textbooks, NHS websites etc), and
remember that the presentation of your work as well as the content will count towards your
HCS206 Blood Science 2015-16
Case: A 72-year old man with a several-week history of fatigue, loss of appetite, and feeling
feverish presented at hospital with severe pallor and signs of left and right ventricular
failure. The peripheral blood film showed: (large arrowhead is pointing to a red cell with
basophilic stippling)
Results of the biochemical tests were as follows:
Patients results Normal value
Serum B12 50 ng/L 150-1000 ng/L
Red cell folate 200 µg/L packed red cells 150-1000 µg/L
Lactate dehydrogenase 658 IU/L 230-450 IU/L
Full Blood Count
Test Patient
Normal Ranges
WBC x 109/L 6.2 4.0-11.0
RBC x 1012/L 2.72 4.60-5.70
Hb g/dL 7.9 13.5-18.0
Hct % 23 35-53
MCV fL 114 83.0-99.0
MCH pg 31.2 30.8-34.6
Reticulocyte count x 109/L 30 50-100