Has democracy slowed sown in the recent years, or is democracy in retreat now?
You are asked to answer one of the following three questions. This is an exercise demonstrating comprehension of an argument and deciding between which arguments or mixture of arguments makes more sense to you, and why.
The assignment will be evaluated on four criteria. Expressed differently, your perfect answer will:
• demonstrate an excellent understanding of the article(s) or other materials that are central to the question you are addressing, ?
• posit a comprehensive, thoughtful, perhaps innovative analysis or argument, ?
• integrate its analysis to key concepts or themes of the course, and ?
• is well written (i.e. be sure the read the chapter on democracy).
The ‘Third Wave’ of democratization peaked during the 1990s and it is generally acknowledges now that the spread of democratization throughout the world has slowed down. The question is whether democracy is in retreat. Look over the following articles and indicate which one has come to a better explanation of this phenomena!!! Please Make sure reading the articles before starting !!
Schmitter, Philippe. 2015. “Crisis and Transition, But Not Decline.” Journal of Democracy 26 (1):32-44. doi: 10.1353/jod.2015.0004.
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Fukuyama, Francis. 2015. “Why Is Democracy Performing So Poorly?” Journal of Democracy 26 (1):11-20. doi: 10.1353/jod.2015.0017.
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Recommended / Of Interest
– Kagan, Robert. 2015. “The Weight of Geopolitics.” Journal of Democracy 26 (1):21-31. doi: 10.1353/jod.2015.0001.
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