HARMFUL effects of fad diets involving unbalanced consumption of nutrients
Paper details:
more than two peer-reviewed journals from ProQuest has to be needed. I will include URLs of some of the articles I found on ProQuest. Secondary source from internet can also be used if it is reliable (please do so, if more information needed).
Attachments: topic, question, thesis, proposal, outline
Each sub-topic has to be labeled at the beginning of the paragraphs
(ex. (bold) Reasons of ‘fad diets’)
please include any sources used (please write me URL in the end, instead of the work cited page)
Atkins and other low-carbohydrate diets: hoax or an effective tool for weight loss? –> http://search.proquest.com.libezproxy2.syr.edu/docview/199014575/fulltextPDF/A3CABB9EEC87441CPQ/2?accountid=14214
Studies of Atkins diet report some meaty results ; But findings also are served with caution: [FINAL Edition] –> http://search.proquest.com.libezproxy2.syr.edu/docview/408942599/2B12FF7FCB03443APQ/31?accountid=14214#
The Effects of a Low-Carbohydrate Ketogenic Diet and a Low-Fat Diet on Mood, Hunger, and Other Self-Reported Symptoms* –> http://search.proquest.com.libezproxy2.syr.edu/docview/1030446042/2B12FF7FCB03443APQ/15?accountid=14214
*you can use internet sources if they are reliable (health related official organization etc.)
Comments from Support Team: Discipline: free topic- health issues and side effects on fad diets (3 specific)
im starting with the social standard of ‘skinny’ and people’s rising desire to lose weight in short period of time. due to this consequences, people decide to consume unbalanced or starve (or consuming minimum amount of food), which (what my paper is mainly discussing) lead to unhealthy result in the body system, side effects and possible diseases.