BOOK REVIEW FORMATBook reviews are typed, double-spaced, and three to four pages in length. Longer and more in-depth book reviews may earn extra credit.3 pts. Author, last name first. Book Title Underlined or Italicized. City Published: Publisher, Year Published. Include if there is a bibliography (bib.), illustrations (illus.), maps, index, and how many pages (p.).Example: McFeely, William S. Frederick Douglass. New York & London: W.W. Norton & Co., 1991. Bib., illus., index, 465 p.3 pts. Who is the author and the purpose or reason for writing the book. Located within the Introduction, Acknowledgements, or on the book cover.10 pts. Briefly summarize the books contents five to six paragraphs.2 pts. How are the chapters arranged?2 pts. Is the writing style for academics, popular history, journal or something else.5 pts. What do you think of the authors writing style? Easy to read, boring, informative, colorful, dry, dwells on some subjects too long, too vague of descriptions, etc.5 pts. Personal conclusions you have made about the historical people or events in the book. Two to three paragraphs.
Haley, Alex. The Autobiography of Malcolm X Academic Essay