Paper details:Some Ideas:
Green building construction techniques and what impact this is having on the cost of buildings vs. the energy saving benefits.
LEED vs. GBI, a comparison of these two ratings systems.
Government subsidies in green energy, an investment in our future or a waste of tax payers money.
What are the advantage and disadvantages to green building.
Successes and problems with sustainable design.
Overall I would like the paper to encompass some or all of the above. The advantages and disadvantages of green building techniques. LEED is the main certification system used in green construction but there are others such as GBI that are trying to dethrone LEED or at least gain market share. LEED along with other rating systems could be compared. Would green building or at least certain aspects of green building be viable/affordable without government subsidies, tax incentives, etc. Is a 100% sustainable building cost effective. I know I am repeating myself. There is a lot of information on building green feel free to take the paper in the direction you want. If you have a great idea/topic in green building go with it.
Green building in the construction industry