Grading Policy
When evaluating your papers, the following rules will apply:
1) Grammatical and structural integrity
(run-on sentences, tense, s-v agreement, etc.): 20%
2) Discussion of the movies (not copying from other
reviews or internet sources; no summary of movies)
using the discussion points under course documents
(including planning concerns, if applicable): 65%
3) Incorporation of the readings into your analysis: 15%
Total: 100%
Grading Policy

Grading Policy

Grading Policy
When evaluating your papers, the following rules will apply:
1) Grammatical and structural integrity
(run-on sentences, tense, s-v agreement, etc.): 20%
2) Discussion of the movies (not copying from other
reviews or internet sources; no summary of movies)
using the discussion points under course documents
(including planning concerns, if applicable): 65%
3) Incorporation of the readings into your analysis: 15%
Total: 100%