Globalization vs. Transnationalism For your review essay assignment, you will use Ritzer and Atalay?s Readings in Globalization: Key Concepts and Major Debates, which is a collection of excerpts from leading contributions to the field of globalization (uploaded to the class web page at SUCourse). As of you will see, this collection excerpts has two parts. Part I covers readings on and about politics and economics of globalization, and is called Political Economy. Part II focuses on contributions addressing cultural issues about globalization, and is called Culture. In the collection, in Part I and Part II, there are 16 sections in total. For your assignment, you will first choose one of these 16 sections, and then at least three readings (contributions) from the section you select, and critically review these. Typically you may choose the first reading (contribution) of your selected section as your key reading and match it with two other readings from this section, which, generally speaking, reflect on the first reading from a critical point of view. Your review essay will be 2500 words, and answer the following questions in a composite manner, i.e. in the form of a well-written essay. 1. What are the major ideas of the key reading? 2. How does the author support her/his major ideas? What kind of evidences does she/he use in support her/his ideas? 3. What are the political, economic/business and cultural implications of her/his ideas? 4. What are the questionable views or suppositions of the author? Here you can use the other two readings to back up your criticism. 5. To conclude: Why is it that this major contribution, although it may have weak sides, is still today important in debates on globalization?
Globalization vs. Transnationalism
August 15th, 2017 admin