global supply chain management
Order Description
This assignment is an individual academic report, which needs to be prepared by each individual student and being submitted before 12:00 pm of the deadline date.
Students are expected to answer all three tasks below by assuming the position of a Global Supply Chain Advisor. The answer to each task must be presented under a separate heading, but in one single academic report. This report includes a front page at the beginning. Students are required to answer all tasks, as each task has a separate word count and marking share. The front page of the report must include the ID number, the programme name, the module name, the module code, the module tutor name and the word count per task.
This report MUST be submitted as hard copy and in a CD or USB together in one pack.
Task 1 (Max 1000 Words) (40% Mark)
Critically evaluate the current issues, challenges and future of the global Agri-Food supply chain. You are required to underpin your views using wide variety of theories and strategies from academic journal articles and books. Furthermore, you are required to use at least one example from various industries (farm, manufacturer, distributor, and retailer) in an Agri-Food supply chain of your choice to support your arguments. The theories and strategies must be referred but not limited to those that have already been taught during this semester.
Task 2 (Max 1000 Words) (30% Mark)
Critically evaluate the role of culture to promote an efficient, competitive, responsible and green global supply chain. You must critically analyse the interface of culture with different theories and strategies that can promote an efficient, competitive, responsible and green global supply chain. You are required to underpin your views using a wide variety of theories and strategies from academic journal articles and books. Furthermore, you are required to use different examples from various industries of your choice to support your argument. The theories and strategies must be referred but not limited to those that have already been taught during this semester.
Task 3 (Max 1000 Words) (20% Mark)
You have already read and discussed seven journal articles during seminar activities. Provide a summary of your understanding of these articles as a critical evaluation. You are required to underpin your views using seminar activity discussions, these journal articles and other related academic journal articles. Your analysis must refer to a cross-article review and be a holistic view, NOT an analysis of each individual paper separately. Your critical evaluation could be about how theories and strategies of these articles can inter-face to support an efficient, competitive, green and global supply chain.
10% of the marks are assigned to the presentation of the assignment and also to referencing (references must be minimum 30 and good quality journal articles and books). It is strongly advised to use references appropriately in the text by using them where required. Also consider that some references may be used more than once in the text. Therefore, it is not just the matter of the quantity, it is also the matter of the quality of the references that are used and how you used them).
Please, make sure you answer these 3 questions separately under a specific heading and explain the issues by using underpinning academic theories and examples for all of these questions. The executive summary will be a summary of your understanding covering all tasks. You are expected to use all material from lectures, seminars and also use an appropriate number of academic resources including text books from the recommended reading list and also peer reviewed academic journal papers from NORA and other data bases such as ?Emerald?, ?Science Direct? and ?Business Source premier?. .
In addressing and critically analysing the case, you will need to consider global Supply Chain strategies such as (but not limited to):
Supply Chain structure
Purchasing and Strategic Procurement
Logistics management
Quality Management
Six Sigma and TQM
Lean and Agile Supply Chain
Cross-functional activities and integration in SC
Collaborative Supply Chain
Information Technology
Food Supply Chain
Quality Management in SC
Performance Measurement
Your assignment will be 3000 words in length report (plus or minus 10%). This includes the main body (3 tasks) and all in-text citations and direct quotations. Reference list and front page are not included in word count.
Your report will include (at least) a title page, table of contents, contents page, and references. You may also include an appendix for relevant supporting material but main arguments must be included in the body of the report. Your report must follow a standard report structure. For more details of report writing, you can refer to:
To gain a basic pass, your analysis will be supported by evidence from at least 30 good quality, peer reviewed journals. You may also use text-books and journal sources available on the Internet as well as in the university library but you must NOT use other material from the Internet.
Word limits and penalties for assignments
If the assignment is within +10% of the stated word limit no penalty will apply.
The word count is to be declared on the front page of your assignment and the assignment cover sheet. The word count does not include:
? Title and Contents page ? Reference list ? Appendices ? Appropriate tables, figures and illustrations
? Glossary ? Bibliography ? Quotes from interviews and focus groups.
Please note, in text citations [e.g. (Smith, 2011)] and direct secondary quotations [e.g. ?dib-dab nonsense analysis? (Smith, 2011 p.123)] are INCLUDED in the word count.
If this word count is falsified, students are reminded that under ARNA page 30 Section 3.4 this will be regarded as academic misconduct.
If the word limit of the full assignment exceeds the +10% limit, 10% of the mark provisionally awarded to the assignment will be deducted. For example: if the assignment is worth 70 marks but is above the word limit by more than 10%, a penalty of 7 marks will be imposed, giving a final mark of 63.
Students are advised that they may be asked to submit an electronic version of their assignment.
Time limits and penalties for presentations
The time allocated for the presentation must be adhered to. At the end of this time, the presentation will be stopped and will be marked based on what has been delivered within the time limit.