1. Read and summarize the three perspectives regarding development: Liberal economics. dependency. and participatory development (CH 5). 2 Summarize CH 5 case study (microfinance). 3. Watch “Poverty. Money and Love” by Jessica Jackley (TED video uploaded in the TED folder) and summarize it. 4. Summarize the views on microfinance from the three perspectives. (CH 5 case study) 5. Read and summarize CH 6 case study (Brazilian rainforest). 6. Discuss which perspective(s) will you use to think about #5 issue? (global primacy. state primacy and cultural primacy perspectives)
Global Perspectives

Global Perspectives

eflective Essay Brief
Assignment Title:
What have you discovered – about yourself and about others – in Global Perspectives?
You must submit 2,000 words (+/-10%) on the following:
Thinking about your engagement with at least 75% of the module’s Lead Events and Discussion Groups, reflect on how your understanding of the following has changed:
– Different cultural perspectives (D1)
– The impact you have on others and the environments you occupy (D2)
– Your own learning and what this means for your future (D3)
You should draw from the material you have written in your weekly journal entries, but this should be reworked in relation to the formative feedback you received from your facilitator.
Your writing should primarily draw on experiences within the module but can also link to external reference points which relate to the module’s learning outcomes.
All writing must be your own work and if you draw on material from different sources or use quotes, Harvard style referencing must be used, with a bibliography to be included at the end of the document.
Don’t forget:
• Any submissions that miss the final deadline will be subject to penalties, and if they are more than 3 days late, this will be considered an automatic fail.
• To avoid this risk, please submit your work in good time before the final deadline so you can seek technical assistance if need be.
• If you have had issues when logging into Blackboard, please contact the IT Service Desk to resolve these to ensure you are able to upload your final submission.
• Remember if there is a genuine technical or IT failure, take a screen shot to prove your claim.
You must upload your work to Turnitin on Blackboard by 23:59 on Friday, 9th December, found under GBL401 Global Perspectives > Assignments > Final Assessment Submissions. Your final, summative feedback and result will be posted by 19th January.
D1 Engage openly
and respectfully
with diverse
perspectives and
show an
awareness of
culture and
No evidence of engagement with other perspectives or awareness of culture and identity;
clear evidence of disrespect of other perspectives, cultures and identities
Evidence of some engagement with other perspectives;
basic level of awareness of culture and identity
Well expressed engagement with other perspectives;
good level of awareness of culture and identity
Perceptive and thoughtfully expressed engagement with other perspectives;
high level of awareness of culture and identity
D2 Demonstrate
increased self
awareness of their
values, actions
and consider their
impact on others
and the environment
No evidence of development of self-awareness;
no evidence of personal responsibility and/or evidence of disregard for others or the environment
Some evidence of reflection on development of self-awareness;
basic level of awareness of personal responsibility
Clear evidence of reflection on development of self-awareness;
good level of awareness of personal responsibility
Insightful reflection on development of self-awareness;
high level of awareness of personal responsibility
D3 Reflect on current learning and appraise the resources available to them to inform future individual development needs
No evidence of reflection;
clear misconception of individual development needs
Some evidence of reflection;
basic appraisal of individual development needs
Good evidence of reflection;
sound appraisal of individual development needs
Thoughtful and very well-articulated reflection;
intelligent appraisal of individual development needs
Discussion Groups
Slides from Week 1 Discussion Group – Introductions
Slides from Week 2 Discussion Group – Values and Perspectives
Slides from Week 3 Discussion Group – Silent Debate
Slides from Week 4 Discussion Group – National Perspectives
Points for Discussion in Week 5 – Migrants and Refugees
Outcomes from Week 5 – Model United Nations Resolutions
Slides from Week 6 Discussion Group – Interpersonal Relations
Slides from Week 8 Discussion Group – Two true, one false
Slides from Week 9 Discussion Group – Ideas
Module Overview
Description Where to find more information on Blackboard
Module Title GBL401 Global Perspectives
Lead Events:
Weeks 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 | 11am – 12pm in Tuke Hall
Discussion Groups:
Wednesday mornings and Thursday afternoons in Darwin, Ground Floor
See Weekly Schedule for more information about the module’s schedule
Module Aims
1. To introduce a range of ideas and ways of thinking based around the University’s values, reflected in the learning outcomes.
2. To encourage students to interact with the broader University community, both socially and academically.
3. To increase self-awareness and prepare students for their subsequent studies by familiarising them with the resources available to meet their lifelong learning needs.
See Why do I need Global Perspectives? for more information on the aims and thinking behind the module
Learning and Teaching Strategy
1. Involves a blend of learning experiences, reflecting a wide range of student learning styles and disciplinary approaches.
2. Uses presentations, performances, keynote addresses, simulations or experiments led by experts both internal and external to the University, to inspire and to excite.
3. Fosters an ethos of engagement and discussion in cross-disciplinary groups facilitated by academic staff from across the University.
4. Classes feature experiential activities and creative tasks, with a strong emphasis on self-assessment and reflective learning.
See Learning Strategy for more information on the module’s Learning and Teaching Strategy
Module title
GBL401 Global Perspectives
1. Module aims
This is a University-wide common module, which facilitates interpersonal, intercultural and cross-disciplinary learning for all level 4 students enrolled on Regent’s validated degree programmes. The module introduces a range of ideas and ways of thinking based around the University’s values, reflected in its learning outcomes. It encourages students to interact with the broader University community, both socially and academically, asking them to cross the physical and intellectual borders of their degree programmes. Global Perspectives aims to increase self-awareness and prepares students for their subsequent studies by familiarising them with the resources available to meet their lifelong learning needs.
2. Pre-requisite modules or specified entry requirements
3. Intended level learning outcomes
d) Key transferable skills
At the end of the module, learners will be expected to:
D1: Engage openly and respectfully with diverse perspectives and show an awareness of culture and identity.
D2: Demonstrate increased self-awareness of their values, actions and consider their impact on others and the environment.
D3: Reflect on current learning and appraise the resources available to them to inform future individual development needs.
4. Indicative content
Students will be asked to learn about and engage with the following Regent’s values, which will be grouped thematically around the module’s learning outcomes:
• Employability and entrepreneurship
• Equality, mutual respect, honesty and inclusion
• Public benefit
• Maximising the individuals’ potentials
• Internationalism
• Diversity
• Citizenship
• Sustainability
These values will be explored by learners and module facilitators in cross-disciplinary and cross-cultural ways that intersect with current affairs, ethical debates and political values.
In the face of increasingly rapid change, where successful learning is dependent on agility in responding to context, learning opportunities need to remain flexible and open: thus, it is anticipated that the topics used as vehicles for discussion will vary from year to year.
5. Learning and teaching strategy
The module will involve a blend of learning experiences, reflecting a wide range of student learning styles and disciplinary approaches. Presentations, performances, keynote addresses, simulations or experiments will be led by experts both internal and external to the University, to inspire and to excite. To foster an ethos of engagement, discussion will be in cross-disciplinary groups facilitated by academic staff from across the University. Classes will include experiential activities and creative tasks, with a strong emphasis on self-assessment and reflective learning.
10 credit module – 100 learning hours
Directed learning
20 hours
Collaborative Learning
10 hours
Group work outside of class time
Self-directed learning
70 hours
Preparation for class
Self-study after class, including journal writing
Meeting with Personal Tutor
Preparation for Reflective Essay
6. Assessment strategy, assessment methods and their relative weightings
Final Assessment of 2,000 words (100%)
In line with the module’s learning outcomes, which are focused on developing awareness and self-reflection, the assessment strategy for this module includes opportunities for both formative and summative assessment. Formative assessment will consist of feedback on their first written submission.
Formative assessment will consist of feedback given to students in their discussion groups as well as a weekly learning journal in which students will be asked to produce entries that show a development in their thinking, following their engagement with new ideas, different viewp01oints and external reference points.
A draft of the final Reflective Essay should be submitted in Week 8 or 9 of the course and then discussed with the student’s Personal Tutor as part of personal development planning conversations, and then a final summative version of the Reflective Essay of 2000 words is to be submitted by Week 12. The module has a pass/fail marking scheme.
9. Key reading list
Essential texts
Cutler, J. (2005). Understanding Culture. In The Cross-Cultural Communication Trainer’s Manual, Vol. I. Gower Publishing, pp. 73-80.
Jandt, F. (2012). Introduction to Intercultural Communication: Identities in a Global Community. London: Sage.
Recommended text
Moon, J. (2006). Learning Journals: A Handbook for Reflective Practice and Professional Development. Abingdon: Taylor & Francis.
10. Other indicative resources (e.g. websites)
Resources will depend on the focus and nature of the Lead Events, which will change from semester to semester.