Write an essay paper that Considers the many determinants or factors that contribute to the problem of poverty or overpopulation. Consider the problem of poverty and overpopulation.
Global Health

Global Health
Rx For Survival: Disease Warriors Assignment
This assignment is worth 50% of your final grade.
Vaccines are one of public health’s greatest triumphs. Millions of people can be immunized to prevent or reduce the incidence and spread of infectious disease. Global immunization even opens the possibility of eradicating certain diseases. Yet, underlying their great potential to prevent or reduce disease is the challenge of getting vaccines to all who need them. “Disease Warriors” chronicles the groundbreaking work of 19th century researchers, such as the famed scientist Louis Pasteur, who discovered that germs cause illness and developed some of the first vaccines—one of public health’s greatest triumphs. Today, vaccines have made great strides against disease. While certain diseases are preventable or can be reduced with vaccines, “Disease Warriors” makes clear that the world still faces major challenges in getting vaccines to all who need them. Excerpt PBS Rx for Survival
Assignment Instructions: This assignment requires that you watch the PSB documentary “Rx for Survival: Disease Warriors.”
Watch the entire film. You may have to watch it several times in order to answer the questions.
1. Structure your paper in outline form, using the exact outline given in this assignment. The paper itself does not need to be in APA format, but any references in text must be in APA format, and there must be a reference section in APA format at the end of the paper. Failure to use the outline form or to use proper APA format for citations/references will reduce your grade.
2. This assignment will require that you answer specific questions designed to assess your understanding of the movie, the disorder, and concepts/theory from the course. You will have to do research and integrate your findings into the paper for specific questions. Failure to answer each question thoroughly and to integrate research to support the answer will reduce your grade.
3. Format your paper by using the outline provided below. Do not include the questions on your final paper.
4. You may use ONLY credible web sites for your research and the textbook for this course.
5. Any information you gather from any source MUST be put your own words and properly cite the website in APA format. Failure to do so will result in failure on the assignment. You must NOT cut & paste from websites, you must put any information you find in your own words.
6. This assignment MUST be submitted to turnitin.com. Any document with an originality report above 40% will receive a zero (0), the student may fail the course, and thestudent may be brought up on charges of Academic Misconduct.
8. All papers must be in Microsoft Word, spell-checked and grammatically correct. You grade will be reduced for spelling and grammatical errors.
9. Your grade on this assignment is based on your competence at demonstrating your knowledge of the film, your competence at integrating research from the provided sources, and your competence at following the directions and requirements of the assignment.
I. “Disease Warriors” and Epidemiology
1. Summarize the documentary “Disease Warriors.” Give a full description of the coverage of the documentary, and state briefly the “take-away” message it gives.
2. Recall and review the specific researchers profiled and describe their work and contributions.
3. Based on the movie and your own further research
a.list the diseases that were once major challenges that have been controlled (or nearly so). Make sure your list is complete and accurate. For each one list the time period when it was at its peak, how many people were known to have died from it, the geographic regions it affected, the mode of transmission, what made it an epidemic? And what brought it to an end?
b.list the diseases that have arisen or become widespread in the past 25 years, such as SARS, the avian flu, and the West Nile virus. For each one describe when it surfaced, what it originates from/how it is contracted/transmitted or spread, its symptoms and how deadly it is,and what makes it dangerous as a public health problem).?NOTE: you may present the information for parts a & b in 2 tables if you wish, just make sure that all relevant information is present.
4. In the documentary the practices of herd immunity versus ring vaccination was introduced. Give a detailed discussion of the pros and cons of each, which one is best suited to eradicating a disease, such as polio or measles? Give an example of a case when a population had natural immunity, how did this effect the spread of certain diseases?
II. Vaccines and obstacles to eradication
1. Tremendous amounts of money are invested worldwide in research and development of vaccines. If suitable vaccinations are available, why do the
diseases still persist around the world? Answer the question “What issues hamper getting vaccines to those who need it?” Give examples from the documentary.
2. Research the controversy surrounding vaccinations. What, if any, risks are associated with vaccinations? What ethical reasons might deter people from being vaccinated? Why do certain people recommend that everyone should be vaccinated? What might happen to a child whose parents do not want their to be children vaccinated?
3. In the United States, vaccinations protect most people from many serious diseases. For example, the Centers for Disease Control’s list of recommended childhood vaccinations includes: hepatitis A and B, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough), influenza (flu), polio, measles, mumps, rubella (German measles), varicella (chicken pox), and pneumonia. Most pediatricians advocate vaccinations to all their patients. Have you been vaccinated for any of them (which ones)? Given our sociopolitical approach to vaccination and the fact that almost no one contracts these diseases because they have been vaccinated against them, how can living here in the U.S. affect how we think about the amount of disease around the world and its impact?
III. The future of global health
1. Unfortunately, a vaccine against HIV/AIDS has remained elusive. This is ?because the virus attacks cells of the immune system, compromising a person’s ability to rid his or her body of the virus. Before people understood what caused disease, public health workers could only fight epidemics through careful surveillance and quarantine. What factors have prevented the creation of a vaccine for HIV/AIDS?
2. Where is HIV/AIDS still a deadly disease and why? What are the global health disparities in the treatment of HIV/AIDS and why do they exist? Compare and contrast 2 countries, say the U.S. and a country on the continent of Africa, use this contrast to illustrate the health disparities. You may use information from the documentary as well.
3. After viewing this documentary, what do you see as the greatest challenge we still face in public health campaigns to eradicate disease around the globe?
Global Health

Global Health
Rx For Survival: Disease Warriors Assignment
This assignment is worth 50% of your final grade.
Vaccines are one of public health’s greatest triumphs. Millions of people can be immunized to prevent or reduce the incidence and spread of infectious disease. Global immunization even opens the possibility of eradicating certain diseases. Yet, underlying their great potential to prevent or reduce disease is the challenge of getting vaccines to all who need them. “Disease Warriors” chronicles the groundbreaking work of 19th century researchers, such as the famed scientist Louis Pasteur, who discovered that germs cause illness and developed some of the first vaccines—one of public health’s greatest triumphs. Today, vaccines have made great strides against disease. While certain diseases are preventable or can be reduced with vaccines, “Disease Warriors” makes clear that the world still faces major challenges in getting vaccines to all who need them. Excerpt PBS Rx for Survival
Assignment Instructions: This assignment requires that you watch the PSB documentary “Rx for Survival: Disease Warriors.”
Watch the entire film. You may have to watch it several times in order to answer the questions.
1. Structure your paper in outline form, using the exact outline given in this assignment. The paper itself does not need to be in APA format, but any references in text must be in APA format, and there must be a reference section in APA format at the end of the paper. Failure to use the outline form or to use proper APA format for citations/references will reduce your grade.
2. This assignment will require that you answer specific questions designed to assess your understanding of the movie, the disorder, and concepts/theory from the course. You will have to do research and integrate your findings into the paper for specific questions. Failure to answer each question thoroughly and to integrate research to support the answer will reduce your grade.
3. Format your paper by using the outline provided below. Do not include the questions on your final paper.
4. You may use ONLY credible web sites for your research and the textbook for this course.
5. Any information you gather from any source MUST be put your own words and properly cite the website in APA format. Failure to do so will result in failure on the assignment. You must NOT cut & paste from websites, you must put any information you find in your own words.
6. This assignment MUST be submitted to turnitin.com. Any document with an originality report above 40% will receive a zero (0), the student may fail the course, and thestudent may be brought up on charges of Academic Misconduct.
8. All papers must be in Microsoft Word, spell-checked and grammatically correct. You grade will be reduced for spelling and grammatical errors.
9. Your grade on this assignment is based on your competence at demonstrating your knowledge of the film, your competence at integrating research from the provided sources, and your competence at following the directions and requirements of the assignment.
I. “Disease Warriors” and Epidemiology
1. Summarize the documentary “Disease Warriors.” Give a full description of the coverage of the documentary, and state briefly the “take-away” message it gives.
2. Recall and review the specific researchers profiled and describe their work and contributions.
3. Based on the movie and your own further research
a.list the diseases that were once major challenges that have been controlled (or nearly so). Make sure your list is complete and accurate. For each one list the time period when it was at its peak, how many people were known to have died from it, the geographic regions it affected, the mode of transmission, what made it an epidemic? And what brought it to an end?
b.list the diseases that have arisen or become widespread in the past 25 years, such as SARS, the avian flu, and the West Nile virus. For each one describe when it surfaced, what it originates from/how it is contracted/transmitted or spread, its symptoms and how deadly it is,and what makes it dangerous as a public health problem).?NOTE: you may present the information for parts a & b in 2 tables if you wish, just make sure that all relevant information is present.
4. In the documentary the practices of herd immunity versus ring vaccination was introduced. Give a detailed discussion of the pros and cons of each, which one is best suited to eradicating a disease, such as polio or measles? Give an example of a case when a population had natural immunity, how did this effect the spread of certain diseases?
II. Vaccines and obstacles to eradication
1. Tremendous amounts of money are invested worldwide in research and development of vaccines. If suitable vaccinations are available, why do the
diseases still persist around the world? Answer the question “What issues hamper getting vaccines to those who need it?” Give examples from the documentary.
2. Research the controversy surrounding vaccinations. What, if any, risks are associated with vaccinations? What ethical reasons might deter people from being vaccinated? Why do certain people recommend that everyone should be vaccinated? What might happen to a child whose parents do not want their to be children vaccinated?
3. In the United States, vaccinations protect most people from many serious diseases. For example, the Centers for Disease Control’s list of recommended childhood vaccinations includes: hepatitis A and B, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough), influenza (flu), polio, measles, mumps, rubella (German measles), varicella (chicken pox), and pneumonia. Most pediatricians advocate vaccinations to all their patients. Have you been vaccinated for any of them (which ones)? Given our sociopolitical approach to vaccination and the fact that almost no one contracts these diseases because they have been vaccinated against them, how can living here in the U.S. affect how we think about the amount of disease around the world and its impact?
III. The future of global health
1. Unfortunately, a vaccine against HIV/AIDS has remained elusive. This is ?because the virus attacks cells of the immune system, compromising a person’s ability to rid his or her body of the virus. Before people understood what caused disease, public health workers could only fight epidemics through careful surveillance and quarantine. What factors have prevented the creation of a vaccine for HIV/AIDS?
2. Where is HIV/AIDS still a deadly disease and why? What are the global health disparities in the treatment of HIV/AIDS and why do they exist? Compare and contrast 2 countries, say the U.S. and a country on the continent of Africa, use this contrast to illustrate the health disparities. You may use information from the documentary as well.
3. After viewing this documentary, what do you see as the greatest challenge we still face in public health campaigns to eradicate disease around the globe?