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Analyze the five AAAS 100 course learning objectives/outcomes (below) in the context of all the projects in this class (Yuk-Yum; Beautiful Asian Food; Tea; Rice; Curry and Spices). 1) Describe basic cultural differences and similarities in the Asian/Pacific rim area based on distinct foodways. 2) Understand the importance of trade, social class, and cultural diffusion in the region through the specific example of distinct foods or cuisines. 3) Understand the process of globalization through the transculturation of Asian food. 4) Demonstrate an understanding of global interconnections by describing a “food” problem that transcends national borders and the negotiations underway to solve that problem. Oral communication; information literacy and technology skills competencies 5) Demonstrate continuing improvement in information literacy and technology skills as shown by a) the nature and extent of information needed for a specific purpose; b) evaluate sources critically; c) use digital media and formats to communicate and work collaboratively with peers, experts, and others to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others. (2) Write your paper (5 pages minimum, double spaced): Paper format: Introduction; Development; Conclusion Introduction: Should introduce the topic and how you are going to analyze it Development: Reflect on how the various projects in the course strengthened your understanding of the AAAS 100 learning outcomes. Provide explicit examples from the projects that illustrate your analysis. Be sure to use examples from three or more projects. Have an example for each of the five learning objectives/outcomes. ? Conclusion: Explain how this course has changed your understanding of Asia.

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