This consists of a well structured, well articulated (approximately -1 page). The outline (i.e. structure) of your paper has to be and your thesis statement needs to make a concrete argument. Be concise and precise! (Hint: spend some time making a GOOD outline first!) See below.In her autobiographical novel , Ruth Kluger asks us to rearrange a lot of furniture in our inner museum of the Holocaust. She does not want us to settle down in whatever attitude to the Holocaust we have created for ourselves. Analyze how Kluger achieves this goal through the use of metacommentary and dialogical narrative. Then focus in on a particular aspect of her novel (though you are not limited to just one), for example:* How does Kluger reflect on the difficulties of telling her story? Of representing Holocaust experiences?* How does she describe the life in the ghetto and/or concentration camps?* You could also discuss the relationship between author and listener/reader in the text.What does Kluger expect from her listeners and readers?* How are the Germans represented in the text?* You could discuss the image of ghosts or the recurrent motif of silence.* What does she think about museums?* What does she think about gender inequalities?The final draft of the paper needs to be 1,200 words. 12 pt. font. Times New Roman. Do include quotes, but do not over-do it. Their purpose is to achieve a word count, but to your argument. The paper needs to be analytical and interpretive, it should not include extensive plot summaries. You do not have to draw on other sources but, if you wish, you can quote from other print material, as long as you provide the respective sources. The paper will be evaluated according to the following categories:* Well-developed thesis, theme or focus* Substantial, relevant supporting information (i.e. quotes from the book)* Clear organization, coherent points, good transitions, introduction and conclusion* Grammar and style* Use of concepts from the class* Consistent citation style (i.e. MLA) you can use footnotes or endnotesThe is due Hard copy required, so check your printer cartridge BEFORE Monday morning. Unless you have a doctors note, late papers will not be accepted. Please plan ahead.Learning to revise and edit is part of the philosophy of a Comp II course. Once we have returned the paper to you, the paper must be resubmitted as a rewrite (with the original first draft attached). The rewrite is due , . For the rewrite, we will evaluate your ability to address the comments and to improve your argument structure and overall writing. The final grade for the paper will be a combination of the first draft (25%) and the grade for the final draft (75%).
GER 260/CWL 271/ENGL 268 The Holocaust in Context: Postwar Representations in Literature and Film