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George Washington

Explain Washington’s reaction to the proposal of a national bank 

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George Washington

The DNA for a number of historical figures has been extracted from cherry tree resin found in Washington D.C. or from their grave sites wherever they may be . The DNA was used to secretly bring these figures “back to life” sometime in 2013.
George Washington has decided to break loose of his “handlers” and enter the race for President of the United States in November 2016 as a 3rd party candidate. (assume their Constitutional eligibility to run) They will become public in September 2016 and immediately begin their campaign. You must create a name of the party which you have helped your candidate create to run against the Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, Greens, Communist, etc party that already exist. As their manager you have decided to develop a document(your essay) to kick-off the campaign to be widely distributed with your candidate’s accompanying television, internet and other “re-introductions” to the American people. Use the actual words spoken or written by your candidate and his Democrat and Republican opponent almost EXCLUSIVELY as your evidence (quotes). Second or third hand quotes can be used but sparingly. Include words from all three candidates. Your job is to analyze the meaning of these words to support the case for their presidency. You will NOT focus on current issues but rather select evidence that demonstrates their philosophy, values and ideals as to the role of government, the presidency and the nature of mankind. Your essay COMPARES and CONTRASTS the views and philosophy of your candidate with his opponents. The paper focuses on ideals and philosophy while the poster focuses on ideas and issues based on these ideals. Your paper should distinguish George Washington from others and have clear messages while saying a lot with an economy of words-meaning it should be concise, non repetitive and have substance. It must be accurate and consistent with the historical record and current events (eg: get the facts right). You will have to research your candidate. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have been selected by the Democratic and Republican parties as their nominees. Your job is to make the case for why your candidate should be chosen by the American people over them based on their ideals and values. This project is meant for you to demonstrate an understanding and appreciation for the philosophical and historical roots of American Government and Politics and how those ideas apply today. The extent to which you do this, while following the other criteria describe above, is the primary basis of earning your grade. Statistics and polling data are likely sources for you to consider. Your final paper MUST INCLUDE AT LEAST FOUR DIFFERENT SOURCES.

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