I have an assignment in Geography Information System (GIS) class. The assignment is not writing paper.
It is about ArcMap program you have use this program. When you finish you have send the work In ArcMap file not in pdf or word and all the data you use it you have send it to me. The assignment in pdf file called lab 3. And it has 4 steps just do step 1 and step2. Skip step 3 and 4
Please let me know if you can do it.


Paper details:a 2000-word final report on an original research topic, drawing upon written materials from academic, advocacy/activist, or news media sources
You may choose any sort of manifestation of a claim or enactment or struggle for ‘the right to the city’, in any place.
The subject of your research need not articulate itself explicitly as being concerned with ‘the right to the city’, per se. You are therefore required to reflect on why and how this particular activity, campaign, movement, or mobilisation can be understood in terms of ‘the right to the city’. Your essay should provide sufficient description of the topic you choose, while also integrating key ideas or insights from any selected course readings (primary or supplementary) that may be relevant for analyzing this particular topic.
There is no minimum or maximum number of selected readings required, but you are highly encouraged to discuss more than one.
You are completely free to choose how to frame the question or problem that your essay seeks to address or investigate, as long as it is demonstrably engaged with the larger course theme of ‘the right to the city’. This means that you are encouraged to explore any topic or theme that you find compelling or intriguing, but you must clarify how and/or why it may be understood to relate to the larger thematic of ‘the right to the city’. You are free to frame this project on your own terms, as long as it is clear how what you choose to discuss may be understood as relevant to the theme of ‘the right to the city’.
However, while this is a report on original research into a topic beyond the immediate purview of the course readings, your report must be demonstrably formulated in relation to your reading of selected course texts.