Race and Ethnicity
Project description
Browse through some local, regional and/or national newspapers and find a story in the last 5 years that focuses on race or ethnicity. Relating it to concepts discussed in class and in the readings (such as the process of ‘othering’; racial or ethnic neighborhoods; resistance and protest; bodily expressions of ethnic identity; home and workplace issues etc), write a paper describing the ‘geographies’ (broadly defined, i.e. neighborhoods, spatial experience, importance of space or place) inherent to or behind the surface of the story.


Paper details:why is climate change not only an environmental crisis but also a social/economic/political crisis? Provide two examples from the assigned material (from at least two different sources from unit 3) in your discussion post, If you use additional external material, make sure to provide links to the source (these would be on top of the two sources below). Don’t forget to cite the readings and/or videos you are referring to in your discussion post.
Listen to Johan Rockstrom’s TED talk (18min) and read the 2015 Science article on Planetary Boundaries.
Read the short (1 page) article on geoengineering
Listen to WRI’s video regarding adaptation (5min)
Read Rosensweig 2011. All Climate is local (3 pp).
Listen to Ted Talk by Rob Hopkins (16min)
Play the game – Climate Challenge