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Geography 1030h, Winter 2015-16

Geography 1030h, Winter 2015-16
Assignment #2: Population Patterns and Movement
Wednesday February 25, 2016 by 4:00 pm. Sections One, Two and Three of the
assignment are completed using Mastering Geography, Section Four is to be
submitted in hard copy in the box outside Office ESB C206 in the GEOG 1030h slot.
To explore and understand the characteristics of population patterns globally and
within Canada, and to explore and understand the migration process, in the
Canadian context. To understand how to calculate net migration rates, graphically
represent and interpret migration rates, and to interpret visible patterns concerning
population movement. Sections Four and Five provide you with the opportunity to
explore, in more detail, the interprovincial migration that occurs between Alberta and
other provinces.
After completing this assignment you will be able:
1. To define migration and to understand the differences between internal and
international migration.
2. To document the reasons why people migrate from one place to another.
3. To understand, at a basic level, the factors that contribute to interprovincial
migration within Canada.
This assignment begins with three short sections that explore European political
integration along with population and international migration within South Asia and
the Caribbean. Section Four and Five draw on Statistics Canada data to explore the
intranational movement of people between Alberta and other Canadian provinces.
You will calculate net migration rates, complete tables and draw graphs to illustrate
this movement. Using some basic internet-based research, you will develop an
interpretation of the population movement you have documented.
? Your answers MUST be submitted on the TEMPLATE PROVIDED.
? Your assignment should be typed in either Arial or Times New Roman (12 pt).
? To fill in an answer box, place your cursor inside the box and type. The box will
expand to fit the text you insert.
? The first page of your assignment MUST include your name, student number and
date in the upper right hand corner. Do not include a title page.

o All references to the Rubenstein text, Mastering Geography,
MapMaster and additional internet sources used in your assignment
must be cited properly using in-text, parenthetical references.
o Your assignment should include a list of references cited.
o Refer to the Assignment #2 Referencing Guide for instructions on the
appropriate referencing style for this assignment.
? It is your responsibility to keep a copy of your assignment.
REMINDERS (from Course Syllabus):
All written work submitted for a grade in this course must be the original work of
the student, and it must not have been presented for credit in any other course.
It is expected that written submissions in Geography courses will conform to high
standards of grammar and style. . . . bad grammar and style will be penalized in
all grading of written work submitted in Geography courses.
In preparation for Section 4 & 5 you should familiarize yourself with Chapters 2 and 3 of
the Rubenstein textbook. You will also need to conduct some basic research on the
Internet to prepare your responses. In conducting your internet research be sure to limit
yourself to current sources (i.e. those published as recently as possible, but certainly
post 2000). You will find the most helpful sources come from well-respected national
and provincial media outlets (such as the CBC, Globe and Mail, etc.).
Section 4: Interprovincial Migration in Canada
Your task is to examine the data provided in Table One: Alberta-Newfoundland
Migration, 2000-2015. This table documents trends in inter-provincial migration between
Newfoundland and Alberta. It includes data for each of the four quarters of each
calendar year between 2000 and 2015.
4-A & 4-B: Begin by calculating the Net Migration between Alberta and Newfoundland
for each quarter. For this question you are calculating the raw numerical net migration,
not the net migration rate. You do this by taking the Net Migration from Alberta to
Newfoundland in any given quarter and subtracting it from Newfoundland to Alberta
migration for that same Quarter. Then proceed to graph the two flows of inter-provincial
migration based on the table below. Then add a third line for the Net Migration. You
should create a line graph with the three series represented on the same graph (You
may draw this graph by hand or using software such as Excel). Remember to include:
Title, Legend, Axis, Labels. Attach the graph to your assignment. Once the graph is
completed, answer questions 4-C, 4-D and 4-E.
4-C: In 200 to 225 words, describe any trends or patterns you observe in your graph. At
what point did migration from Alberta to Newfoundland first exceed migration from
Newfoundland to Alberta?
4-D: In 200 to 225 words, describe the factors that may have played a role in the recent
shift in population movement in favour of Newfoundland. In preparing your answer, you
should draw on the assigned chapters from the Rubenstein text along with basic
internet research. Be sure to follow the referencing guidelines when citing sources in
your answer.
4-E: In 200 to 225 words, describe the impact that the movement to Alberta of large
numbers of people in their productive years would have on the economy of
Newfoundland? Again, you will draw on your reading of Rubenstein along with internet
research in preparing your fully cited response to this question.
Section 5: Alberta Migration Rates 2014
One way to gauge the numerical importance of migration to a place is by calculating the
net migration rate. The net migration rate (NMR) yields the difference between the
immigration rate and the emigration rate, usually expressed as a proportion of the
population. A positive value represents more people entering the country (or province)
than leaving it, while a negative value means more people leaving than entering. Note:
you have been given interprovincial and international migration numbers, you will have
to sum these numbers to calculate the NMR.
Interprovincial migration to and from Alberta, Q3 2015
Destination of Emigrants (from AB) Origin of Immigrants (to AB)
NL and Labrador 704 NL and Labrador 502
Prince Edward Island 244 Prince Edward Island 150
Nova Scotia 916 Nova Scotia 1,211
New Brunswick 614 New Brunswick 932
Quebec 932 Quebec 2,136
Ontario 5,265 Ontario 6,279
Manitoba 898 Manitoba 1,489
Saskatchewan 2,121 Saskatchewan 2,396
British Columbia 7,986 British Columbia 5,670
Yukon 85 Yukon 156
Northwest Territories 187 Northwest Territories 277
Nunavut 39 Nunavut 27
Total Migrants from Alberta Total Migrants to Alberta
# of People
Alberta’s Estimated Population for 2015 4,196,457
International Immigrants to Alberta, Q3 2015 13,982
International Emigrants from Alberta, Q3 2015 2,869
Total # of Immigrants = International Immigrants + Migrants to
Total # of Emigrants = International Emigrants + Migrants from
Alberta’s NMR
Source: Data compiled from Statistics Canada (2015)
5-B: In 200 to 225 words describe the NMR for Alberta for Q3 2015 and how it
compares to the NMR for Alberta from Q4 2012 (4.99 per 1,000 people), and offer your
thoughts on how this difference can be explained.
Geography 1030h, Winter 2015-16
Assignment #2: Population Patterns and Movement
Section Available
1 Thinking Spatially and Data Analysis – Europe –
Political Integration
2 Thinking Spatially and Data Analysis – South Asia –
Population and Migration
3 MapMaster Layered Thematics: Migration – North
4 A: Table One Alberta-Newfoundland Migration, 2000-
B: Graph of AB-NL Migration
Accuracy of graph (including appropriate X-Y Axis
measurements, plotting, etc)
Stylistic components (legibility, complete labelling,
C: Descriptive Paragraph 10
D: Descriptive Paragraph 10
E: Descriptive Paragraph 10

5 A: Table Two: Alberta Migration Rates 2014 10
B: Descriptive Paragraph 5

Formatting (all instructions for formatting followed) 5
Referencing (all references properly cited, according
to instructions)
Grammar and Sentence Structure (work conforms to
high standards)
Total Marks 120



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Geography 1030h, Winter 2015-16

Geography 1030h, Winter 2015-16
Assignment #2: Population Patterns and Movement
Wednesday February 25, 2016 by 4:00 pm. Sections One, Two and Three of the
assignment are completed using Mastering Geography, Section Four is to be
submitted in hard copy in the box outside Office ESB C206 in the GEOG 1030h slot.
To explore and understand the characteristics of population patterns globally and
within Canada, and to explore and understand the migration process, in the
Canadian context. To understand how to calculate net migration rates, graphically
represent and interpret migration rates, and to interpret visible patterns concerning
population movement. Sections Four and Five provide you with the opportunity to
explore, in more detail, the interprovincial migration that occurs between Alberta and
other provinces.
After completing this assignment you will be able:
1. To define migration and to understand the differences between internal and
international migration.
2. To document the reasons why people migrate from one place to another.
3. To understand, at a basic level, the factors that contribute to interprovincial
migration within Canada.
This assignment begins with three short sections that explore European political
integration along with population and international migration within South Asia and
the Caribbean. Section Four and Five draw on Statistics Canada data to explore the
intranational movement of people between Alberta and other Canadian provinces.
You will calculate net migration rates, complete tables and draw graphs to illustrate
this movement. Using some basic internet-based research, you will develop an
interpretation of the population movement you have documented.
? Your answers MUST be submitted on the TEMPLATE PROVIDED.
? Your assignment should be typed in either Arial or Times New Roman (12 pt).
? To fill in an answer box, place your cursor inside the box and type. The box will
expand to fit the text you insert.
? The first page of your assignment MUST include your name, student number and
date in the upper right hand corner. Do not include a title page.
o All references to the Rubenstein text, Mastering Geography,
MapMaster and additional internet sources used in your assignment
must be cited properly using in-text, parenthetical references.
o Your assignment should include a list of references cited.
o Refer to the Assignment #2 Referencing Guide for instructions on the
appropriate referencing style for this assignment.
? It is your responsibility to keep a copy of your assignment.
REMINDERS (from Course Syllabus):
All written work submitted for a grade in this course must be the original work of
the student, and it must not have been presented for credit in any other course.
It is expected that written submissions in Geography courses will conform to high
standards of grammar and style. . . . bad grammar and style will be penalized in
all grading of written work submitted in Geography courses.
In preparation for Section 4 & 5 you should familiarize yourself with Chapters 2 and 3 of
the Rubenstein textbook. You will also need to conduct some basic research on the
Internet to prepare your responses. In conducting your internet research be sure to limit
yourself to current sources (i.e. those published as recently as possible, but certainly
post 2000). You will find the most helpful sources come from well-respected national
and provincial media outlets (such as the CBC, Globe and Mail, etc.).
Section 4: Interprovincial Migration in Canada
Your task is to examine the data provided in Table One: Alberta-Newfoundland
Migration, 2000-2015. This table documents trends in inter-provincial migration between
Newfoundland and Alberta. It includes data for each of the four quarters of each
calendar year between 2000 and 2015.
4-A & 4-B: Begin by calculating the Net Migration between Alberta and Newfoundland
for each quarter. For this question you are calculating the raw numerical net migration,
not the net migration rate. You do this by taking the Net Migration from Alberta to
Newfoundland in any given quarter and subtracting it from Newfoundland to Alberta
migration for that same Quarter. Then proceed to graph the two flows of inter-provincial
migration based on the table below. Then add a third line for the Net Migration. You
should create a line graph with the three series represented on the same graph (You
may draw this graph by hand or using software such as Excel). Remember to include:
Title, Legend, Axis, Labels. Attach the graph to your assignment. Once the graph is
completed, answer questions 4-C, 4-D and 4-E.
4-C: In 200 to 225 words, describe any trends or patterns you observe in your graph. At
what point did migration from Alberta to Newfoundland first exceed migration from
Newfoundland to Alberta?
4-D: In 200 to 225 words, describe the factors that may have played a role in the recent
shift in population movement in favour of Newfoundland. In preparing your answer, you
should draw on the assigned chapters from the Rubenstein text along with basic
internet research. Be sure to follow the referencing guidelines when citing sources in
your answer.
4-E: In 200 to 225 words, describe the impact that the movement to Alberta of large
numbers of people in their productive years would have on the economy of
Newfoundland? Again, you will draw on your reading of Rubenstein along with internet
research in preparing your fully cited response to this question.
Section 5: Alberta Migration Rates 2014
One way to gauge the numerical importance of migration to a place is by calculating the
net migration rate. The net migration rate (NMR) yields the difference between the
immigration rate and the emigration rate, usually expressed as a proportion of the
population. A positive value represents more people entering the country (or province)
than leaving it, while a negative value means more people leaving than entering. Note:
you have been given interprovincial and international migration numbers, you will have
to sum these numbers to calculate the NMR.
Interprovincial migration to and from Alberta, Q3 2015
Destination of Emigrants (from AB) Origin of Immigrants (to AB)
NL and Labrador 704 NL and Labrador 502
Prince Edward Island 244 Prince Edward Island 150
Nova Scotia 916 Nova Scotia 1,211
New Brunswick 614 New Brunswick 932
Quebec 932 Quebec 2,136
Ontario 5,265 Ontario 6,279
Manitoba 898 Manitoba 1,489
Saskatchewan 2,121 Saskatchewan 2,396
British Columbia 7,986 British Columbia 5,670
Yukon 85 Yukon 156
Northwest Territories 187 Northwest Territories 277
Nunavut 39 Nunavut 27
Total Migrants from Alberta Total Migrants to Alberta
# of People
Alberta’s Estimated Population for 2015 4,196,457
International Immigrants to Alberta, Q3 2015 13,982
International Emigrants from Alberta, Q3 2015 2,869
Total # of Immigrants = International Immigrants + Migrants to
Total # of Emigrants = International Emigrants + Migrants from
Alberta’s NMR
Source: Data compiled from Statistics Canada (2015)
5-B: In 200 to 225 words describe the NMR for Alberta for Q3 2015 and how it
compares to the NMR for Alberta from Q4 2012 (4.99 per 1,000 people), and offer your
thoughts on how this difference can be explained.
Geography 1030h, Winter 2015-16
Assignment #2: Population Patterns and Movement
Section Available
1 Thinking Spatially and Data Analysis – Europe –
Political Integration
2 Thinking Spatially and Data Analysis – South Asia –
Population and Migration
3 MapMaster Layered Thematics: Migration – North
4 A: Table One Alberta-Newfoundland Migration, 2000-
B: Graph of AB-NL Migration
Accuracy of graph (including appropriate X-Y Axis
measurements, plotting, etc)
Stylistic components (legibility, complete labelling,
C: Descriptive Paragraph 10
D: Descriptive Paragraph 10
E: Descriptive Paragraph 10

5 A: Table Two: Alberta Migration Rates 2014 10
B: Descriptive Paragraph 5

Formatting (all instructions for formatting followed) 5
Referencing (all references properly cited, according
to instructions)
Grammar and Sentence Structure (work conforms to
high standards)
Total Marks 120

Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

Geography 1030h, Winter 2015-16

Geography 1030h, Winter 2015-16
Assignment #2: Population Patterns and Movement
Wednesday February 25, 2016 by 4:00 pm. Sections One, Two and Three of the
assignment are completed using Mastering Geography, Section Four is to be
submitted in hard copy in the box outside Office ESB C206 in the GEOG 1030h slot.
To explore and understand the characteristics of population patterns globally and
within Canada, and to explore and understand the migration process, in the
Canadian context. To understand how to calculate net migration rates, graphically
represent and interpret migration rates, and to interpret visible patterns concerning
population movement. Sections Four and Five provide you with the opportunity to
explore, in more detail, the interprovincial migration that occurs between Alberta and
other provinces.
After completing this assignment you will be able:
1. To define migration and to understand the differences between internal and
international migration.
2. To document the reasons why people migrate from one place to another.
3. To understand, at a basic level, the factors that contribute to interprovincial
migration within Canada.
This assignment begins with three short sections that explore European political
integration along with population and international migration within South Asia and
the Caribbean. Section Four and Five draw on Statistics Canada data to explore the
intranational movement of people between Alberta and other Canadian provinces.
You will calculate net migration rates, complete tables and draw graphs to illustrate
this movement. Using some basic internet-based research, you will develop an
interpretation of the population movement you have documented.
? Your answers MUST be submitted on the TEMPLATE PROVIDED.
? Your assignment should be typed in either Arial or Times New Roman (12 pt).
? To fill in an answer box, place your cursor inside the box and type. The box will
expand to fit the text you insert.
? The first page of your assignment MUST include your name, student number and
date in the upper right hand corner. Do not include a title page.
o All references to the Rubenstein text, Mastering Geography,
MapMaster and additional internet sources used in your assignment
must be cited properly using in-text, parenthetical references.
o Your assignment should include a list of references cited.
o Refer to the Assignment #2 Referencing Guide for instructions on the
appropriate referencing style for this assignment.
? It is your responsibility to keep a copy of your assignment.
REMINDERS (from Course Syllabus):
All written work submitted for a grade in this course must be the original work of
the student, and it must not have been presented for credit in any other course.
It is expected that written submissions in Geography courses will conform to high
standards of grammar and style. . . . bad grammar and style will be penalized in
all grading of written work submitted in Geography courses.
In preparation for Section 4 & 5 you should familiarize yourself with Chapters 2 and 3 of
the Rubenstein textbook. You will also need to conduct some basic research on the
Internet to prepare your responses. In conducting your internet research be sure to limit
yourself to current sources (i.e. those published as recently as possible, but certainly
post 2000). You will find the most helpful sources come from well-respected national
and provincial media outlets (such as the CBC, Globe and Mail, etc.).
Section 4: Interprovincial Migration in Canada
Your task is to examine the data provided in Table One: Alberta-Newfoundland
Migration, 2000-2015. This table documents trends in inter-provincial migration between
Newfoundland and Alberta. It includes data for each of the four quarters of each
calendar year between 2000 and 2015.
4-A & 4-B: Begin by calculating the Net Migration between Alberta and Newfoundland
for each quarter. For this question you are calculating the raw numerical net migration,
not the net migration rate. You do this by taking the Net Migration from Alberta to
Newfoundland in any given quarter and subtracting it from Newfoundland to Alberta
migration for that same Quarter. Then proceed to graph the two flows of inter-provincial
migration based on the table below. Then add a third line for the Net Migration. You
should create a line graph with the three series represented on the same graph (You
may draw this graph by hand or using software such as Excel). Remember to include:
Title, Legend, Axis, Labels. Attach the graph to your assignment. Once the graph is
completed, answer questions 4-C, 4-D and 4-E.
4-C: In 200 to 225 words, describe any trends or patterns you observe in your graph. At
what point did migration from Alberta to Newfoundland first exceed migration from
Newfoundland to Alberta?
4-D: In 200 to 225 words, describe the factors that may have played a role in the recent
shift in population movement in favour of Newfoundland. In preparing your answer, you
should draw on the assigned chapters from the Rubenstein text along with basic
internet research. Be sure to follow the referencing guidelines when citing sources in
your answer.
4-E: In 200 to 225 words, describe the impact that the movement to Alberta of large
numbers of people in their productive years would have on the economy of
Newfoundland? Again, you will draw on your reading of Rubenstein along with internet
research in preparing your fully cited response to this question.
Section 5: Alberta Migration Rates 2014
One way to gauge the numerical importance of migration to a place is by calculating the
net migration rate. The net migration rate (NMR) yields the difference between the
immigration rate and the emigration rate, usually expressed as a proportion of the
population. A positive value represents more people entering the country (or province)
than leaving it, while a negative value means more people leaving than entering. Note:
you have been given interprovincial and international migration numbers, you will have
to sum these numbers to calculate the NMR.
Interprovincial migration to and from Alberta, Q3 2015
Destination of Emigrants (from AB) Origin of Immigrants (to AB)
NL and Labrador 704 NL and Labrador 502
Prince Edward Island 244 Prince Edward Island 150
Nova Scotia 916 Nova Scotia 1,211
New Brunswick 614 New Brunswick 932
Quebec 932 Quebec 2,136
Ontario 5,265 Ontario 6,279
Manitoba 898 Manitoba 1,489
Saskatchewan 2,121 Saskatchewan 2,396
British Columbia 7,986 British Columbia 5,670
Yukon 85 Yukon 156
Northwest Territories 187 Northwest Territories 277
Nunavut 39 Nunavut 27
Total Migrants from Alberta Total Migrants to Alberta
# of People
Alberta’s Estimated Population for 2015 4,196,457
International Immigrants to Alberta, Q3 2015 13,982
International Emigrants from Alberta, Q3 2015 2,869
Total # of Immigrants = International Immigrants + Migrants to
Total # of Emigrants = International Emigrants + Migrants from
Alberta’s NMR
Source: Data compiled from Statistics Canada (2015)
5-B: In 200 to 225 words describe the NMR for Alberta for Q3 2015 and how it
compares to the NMR for Alberta from Q4 2012 (4.99 per 1,000 people), and offer your
thoughts on how this difference can be explained.
Geography 1030h, Winter 2015-16
Assignment #2: Population Patterns and Movement
Section Available
1 Thinking Spatially and Data Analysis – Europe –
Political Integration
2 Thinking Spatially and Data Analysis – South Asia –
Population and Migration
3 MapMaster Layered Thematics: Migration – North
4 A: Table One Alberta-Newfoundland Migration, 2000-
B: Graph of AB-NL Migration
Accuracy of graph (including appropriate X-Y Axis
measurements, plotting, etc)
Stylistic components (legibility, complete labelling,
C: Descriptive Paragraph 10
D: Descriptive Paragraph 10
E: Descriptive Paragraph 10

5 A: Table Two: Alberta Migration Rates 2014 10
B: Descriptive Paragraph 5

Formatting (all instructions for formatting followed) 5
Referencing (all references properly cited, according
to instructions)
Grammar and Sentence Structure (work conforms to
high standards)
Total Marks 120

Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.
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