geographic pattern and/or process learned
Each student is asked to write a story or an essay (1-2 pages, double space, font size = 12pt, margins = 1 in, no first line) about a geographic pattern and/or process
learned. While writing, students are required to utilize at least 10 key concepts listed in the Key Learning Concepts Review found at the end of chapter 2 to chapter
6. Those key concepts must be underlined and defined in the writing. Failure to do so may result in a zero for the assignment.
geographic pattern and/or process learned

geographic pattern and/or process learned

geographic pattern and/or process learned
Each student is asked to write a story or an essay (1-2 pages, double space, font size = 12pt, margins = 1 in, no first line) about a geographic pattern and/or process
learned. While writing, students are required to utilize at least 10 key concepts listed in the Key Learning Concepts Review found at the end of chapter 2 to chapter
6. Those key concepts must be underlined and defined in the writing. Failure to do so may result in a zero for the assignment.