The future of Genetically Modified Babies alongside ethical issues
Genetically Modified Babies

Genetically Modified Babies

This is my professors comments, the guidelines to the paper on in the additional material
“Very interesting topic and well-written introduction. Although both the Aznar and Pang articles are original scholarship, they are not scientific research papers (with a methods section describing the research the authors did and a results section describing the data they collected). This assignment requires that you include 2 scientific research articles as sources. Please let me know if you need help finding sources. Also, we are not modifying (or adding) genes during IVF. Designer baby technology is using IVF and then selecting embryos to implant. Finally, please use the format (first author last name, year) for your in-text citations, for example (Pang, 2016) not (Pang, R. T., & Ho, P. 2016)” – her comments
I need my sources used along with 2 additional scientific journal sources
Genetically Modified Babies

This is my professors comments, the guidelines to the paper on in the additional material
“Very interesting topic and well-written introduction. Although both the Aznar and Pang articles are original scholarship, they are not scientific research papers (with a methods section describing the research the authors did and a results section describing the data they collected). This assignment requires that you include 2 scientific research articles as sources. Please let me know if you need help finding sources. Also, we are not modifying (or adding) genes during IVF. Designer baby technology is using IVF and then selecting embryos to implant. Finally, please use the format (first author last name, year) for your in-text citations, for example (Pang, 2016) not (Pang, R. T., & Ho, P. 2016)” – her comments
I need my sources used along with 2 additional scientific journal sources