4 pages plus an annotated bib for a total of 5. Must use sources that can be found commonly on any 4 year universities library source. Must have 1reliable book source. Primary resources and self published books are not allowed. Must have 2 peer reviewed academic journal resources. Thesis and dissertations are not allowed. Annotations summaries must include how each source supports the thesis statement ( which you can form) and only has to be 6-10 sentences each. Bib should refer to the original resource it came from If possible instead of just saying it was pulled from a web page. Newest mla is preferred. This is a junior/senior college level course in British Lit. I want it written intelligently but not so complicated that several words throughout the paper have to be researched. I usually score well on essays, I just don’t have time for this. My dad is really sick.
The General Prologue from Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales.. I would like it to be in regards to his opinion or thought on the estates