Gender: domastic violenceOrder Description
Assignment 2: Explanations – implications (Major essay)
In this assignment, there is an opportunity to apply the skills you have developed so far to the researching and writing of an extended essay.
The focus of the essay is to consider a topical social issue, and to ask the central question – why is this happening? To answer this, you will need to consider a range of sociological explanations.
The issues covered in the topics are in some sense a problem for society. Thus in your essay, we also want you to consider how your explanations might be used as a basis for thinking about appropriate remedies, policies, changes to practice etc.
In this way, you are being asked to think about how sociology as a discipline can be used to effect change in the world, and ultimately to bring about some betterment of society, and of people’s experiences of life.
Essay Topic: Gender
Domestic violence is now seen as a very pressing social issue. The Victorian government has in fact just instituted a Royal Commission into the issue.
What sociological explanations can be offered for this phenomenon? Which of these do you find the most persuasive? Why?
What social remedies might stem from the explanation you favour? (i.e. if you were given the opportunity, what recommendations would you put to the Victorian inquiry on the basis of your analysis).
It is typed on one side of the page and double spaced, with standard 2.54cm margins and page numbers (times new roman), line space 1.5 The work meets the required word limit 1500(The word count does not include references or appendices).
The work is free of grammatical, punctuation and spelling errors. Attention is paid to paragraphing and essay structure.
Referencing words and ideas to their source is achieved accurately and consistently. The work acknowledges sources in-text and links them to a reference list( last pg must be only the reference list) that is free of errors and inconsistencies.
please all references Harvard style
Gender: domastic violence