Analyse the treatment of women as victims of crime and consider why the criminal justice system needs to get better at prosecuting offences such as rape.-Must be OSCOLA Referenced!-Must contain bibliography and table of cases.Readings: Carol Smart

Compare Alan Johnson’s article entitled “Patriarchy” (Blackboard) with Suzanne Gordon’s article entitled “Profits and Prejudice: The Undervalued Work of Nursing” (Blackboard). Answer the question: How does Johnson’s article help explain the plight of nurses in the Gordon article? Discuss how the four components of oppression are reflected in the articles. Also discuss at least 3 other readings that you believe support or detract from the authors’ positions and relate the discussion to three (3) key concepts from the textbook.
Textbook: Marsiglia, F. and Kulis, S. (2015). Diversity, oppression, and change: Culturally grounded social work 2nd ed. Chicago, IL: Lyceum