Future of Islam and Religion: Is Peaceful Coexistence Possible? And How?
Read the uploaded articles:
Mohadddessin, Mohammad, “Dogmatism versus Democracy: A Brief History of Fundamentalism,” Islamic Fundamentalism. Seven Locks Press (1995): 1-15
Mohadddessin, Mohammad, “The Search for a Solution,” Islamic Fundamentalism. Seven Locks Press (1995): 151-156
Mohadddessin, Mohammad, “Modern, Democratic Islam: Antithesis to Fundamentalism,” Islamic Fundamentalism. Seven Locks Press (1995): 157-172
and PPT. Also, use these sources along with the book chapter I uploaded to write a 6 pages research paper (page lengths do not include citation page ).
Topic: Future of Islam and Religion: Is Peaceful Coexistence Possible? And How?
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Future of Islam and Religion: Is Peaceful Coexistence Possible? And How?

Future of Islam and Religion: Is Peaceful Coexistence Possible? And How?

Future of Islam and Religion: Is Peaceful Coexistence Possible? And How?
Read the uploaded articles:
Mohadddessin, Mohammad, “Dogmatism versus Democracy: A Brief History of Fundamentalism,” Islamic Fundamentalism. Seven Locks Press (1995): 1-15
Mohadddessin, Mohammad, “The Search for a Solution,” Islamic Fundamentalism. Seven Locks Press (1995): 151-156
Mohadddessin, Mohammad, “Modern, Democratic Islam: Antithesis to Fundamentalism,” Islamic Fundamentalism. Seven Locks Press (1995): 157-172
and PPT. Also, use these sources along with the book chapter I uploaded to write a 6 pages research paper (page lengths do not include citation page ).
Topic: Future of Islam and Religion: Is Peaceful Coexistence Possible? And How?
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