Order DescriptionDo an Internet search for Victory Garden, War Garden, or Women’s Land Army posters. Copy and paste (you should be able to do this by right clicking) a picture on your post. Write a paragraph about the visual rhetoric of your chosen picture. Three pages at this link on OWL Purdue will help: Analyzing Visual Rhetoric. You may use one or more of the following prompts:
What kinds of symbols are they using?
What kind of feeling do they evoke?
Who is their audience?
What themes do you find depicted?
What kind of rhetorical strategies are they using to appeal to women?
Connect what you write to other readings and the characteristics of farmers/the farm/farming. In other words, how does it help define the role of agriculture.
Properly cite the work you choose. This page gives help https://utas.libguides.com/content.php?pid=27520&sid=892673
Your first original post should be submitted before 10:00 p.m. on Wednesday. Your response to classmates’ posts should be completed before 10:00 p.m. on Sunday.
Grading will be based on the same rubric as posts on your blog. You should develop original, complex ideas that go beyond surface reading (we’ve all read the same thing, so a simple review is not what I’m looking for).
Introduce fresh material, This may require additional research.
Each post should be written as a complete thought.
Identify your topic
Narrow the topic by telling your audience your point of view on a specific point
Show your audience what you mean by offering evidence
A good test of whether or not it is a complete thought is if you can remove it from the discussion and have it still make sense
Responses to classmates’ posts should always have a “because” clause
Use appropriate netiquette. Nobody should feel attacked Link
Discussion Rubric
Participation – original post 3
Research – introduces fresh material 3
Discussion – responds to at least one classmate’s post 2
Writing Mechanics – free of errors 2
Typing on the discussion board automatically shows up as your submission, so additional submission is not required.