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From Failure to Promise: 360 Degrees” by Dr. C. MoorerFrom Failure to Promise: 360 Degrees” by Dr. C. Moorer

Order Description
Book: “From Failure to Promise: 360 Degrees” by Dr. C. Moorer

“From Failure to Promise: 360 Degrees” (Dr. C. Moorer) is a book required for addressing all (3) prompts and must consist of AT LEAST 1500 words. Work will be judged on quality of research, and effectiveness of presentation.

1. Which track(s): (On Track, Off Track, New Track, Fast Track, Tenure Track, or Backtrack) of the book, From Failure to Promise – “360 Degrees”, presented or reiterated the most important life lessons for you and why? (Cite 3-5 key examples from the book)

2. The author reiterates the importance of (Faith, Education, Experience, and Effort) throughout the book, From Failure to Promise – “360 Degrees”. Which factor(s) was/were most vital to his evolution in going from a “flunk-out” to a “professor” at the very same university and beyond? (Cite 3-5 key examples from the book)

3. How does the “Dr. C. Moorer’s – 7 Spheres of Influence and Integration Model “ from the book, From Failure to Promise – “360 Degrees” affect your world-view as related to civic responsibility and global citizenship? Explain.

Additional Information:
On a separate page, please provide information regarding:
• Financial need for the scholarship (Low income student)
• Other types of financial aid that you are receiving (Federal Pell Grant)
• The major that you are pursuing (Biology major to become a doctor/pediatrician ;Human Nutrition for minor)
• How you expect to use that major after graduating (Suggestions: Helping the underprivileged in local community and developing countries…opening health clinic etc.)

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