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QuestionFourth Paper Assignment For your fourth paper assignment, write a five to seven (5-7) page research paper on one of the
Fourth Paper Assignment
For your fourth paper assignment, write a five to seven (5-7) page research paper on one of the topics below. This paper should be argumentative in form, with a concise thesis, aiming to persuade the reader of your position. In order to defend your thesis, research your topic using some of the resources that have been discussed this semester and, in the course of your paper, integrate supporting quotes from two or more outside scholarly sources in order to support your claims.
Your paper should include a Works Cited page. (However, it does not count towards the page total.)
The paper should be in MLA format.
You may use scholarly material from the Bedford edition of Frankenstein, but this does not count as one of the two scholarly sources.
There may be useful material in the zombie readings folder on Blackboard.
No late papers can be accepted, or extensions granted, for this paper.
This paper should be turned in electronically via the assignment link on the class Blackboard page by 6 p.m. on Wednesday, May 11th.
In all other respects, the paper should follow the general guidelines for paper format outlined on the syllabus.
Papers should address one of the following topics.
To many cultural critics, the preoccupation with zombies and the undead in contemporary narrative is a sign of deeper anxieties in our society. Explain the appeal of these narratives while exploring some of these critical writings. (Note: You are welcome to consider narratives that were not discussed in class, such as The Walking Dead, etc.)
The zombie outbreak is usually considered to be an apocalyptic scenario in which civilization as we know it comes to an end. However, many of the authors in Whitman and Dows Economics of the Undead: Zombies, Vampires, and the Dismal Science argue that the zombie apocalypse, like war in general, could be a time of tremendous economic opportunity. In your paper, make an argument for the potential economic benefits of a zombie outbreak through a discussion of one or more zombie narratives.
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Fourth Paper Assignment For your fourth paper assignment, write a five to seven (5-7) page research paper on one of the…