Do entire class five papers and five discussions ASAP APA format for papers and all references FOLLOW RUBRIC Wk 1 disscusion Due sat 24 Discuss the differences between civil and criminal courts. Is the line between these two courts absolutely definitive?If not, what types of cases might “blur the line” between both courts? Can you briefly describe a real world example where a case was tried in both courts? Wk 1 assignment Assignment 3: Criminal Case Choose one of the roles a forensic psychologist may take in the legal field. Research a specific job that falls in this role (i.e. correctional psychologist, or police psychologist), if you can, find a job description. Note what qualifications are necessary. Write a 3-4 page article for the magazine Psychology Today highlighting this particular job: Briefly describe the roles that people in this job may take on. Explain what the career requires you know about the legal system. Discuss any educational requirements of the job. Describe what an undergraduate psychology student may have to do to become eligible for this job. Submit your article in Microsoft Word format. All citations in the article should be in American Psychological Association (APA) 6th edition format. Please make sure to also include a reference page in APA format, but there is no need for a title page in this assignment. Post your article to the appropriate Dropbox by Wednesday, October 28, 2015. Assignment 3 Grading Criteria Maximum Points Chosen a job that a forensic psychologist would have. 15 Describe educational and work history requirements for the job. 15 Described the job requirements in terms of the roles that the person in the job would take on. 25 Described the steps an undergraduate psychology student would need to take to be hired into that position. 25 Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources, displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. 20 Total: 100 Wk 2By Saturday, October 31, 2015, respond to the discussion question. Submit your responses to the appropriate Discussion Area. Start reviewing and responding to your classmates as early in the week as possible. Do you agree with the concept of “civil commitment”? Why or why not? What is the role of a forensic psychologist in such cases? Wk 2 assignment Assignment 2: Research the 1976 Trial of Patricia Hearst You are an employee of the Jury Consultation Corporation. Imagine it is 1976, and Patricia Hearst has just been charged with armed robbery. You have been hired by the defense to assist in developing a strategy to help to acquit her. Find answers to the following questions: Research the 1976 trial of Patricia Hearst and briefly summarize the case against her.What characteristics does Patricia Hearst possess that could possibly sway a jury in her favor? As a result, what characteristics should her defense attorney look for when selecting a jury? What characteristics does Patricia Hearst possess that could sway a jury against her? As a result, what characteristics should the prosecuting attorney look for when selecting a jury? What type of psychological expert should the defense hire?In other words, what area of psychology should the expert specialize in? Be specific and support your answer. Prepare a PowerPoint presentation, to the client’s attorney explaining your answers to the above questions. Make sure that your report is something that an attorney could use to assist them in developing and trying a case. Use headings, the bold style, and bulleted lists to effectively communicate your findings. You should include detailed speaker notes to assist in your presentation. Please make sure to have at least 10 slides for review. All citations in the report should be in APA 6th edition format. Submit your responses to the M2: Assignment 2 Dropbox by Wednesday, November 4, 2015. Wk 3 diss By Saturday, November 7, 2015, respond to the discussion question. Submit your responses to the appropriate Discussion Area. Start reviewing and responding to your classmates as early in the week as possible Wk 3 assignment Assignment 2: LASA 1 – Coercive Interrogations You are a forensic psychologist working with Forensic Consultants, Inc. An attorney is using your services as a consultant in a case. During a meeting with the attorney, the attorney tells you that the client, while undergoing police interrogation, confessed to murder. When the attorney asked the client, the client reported to being not guilty. As you conduct a preliminary investigation, draw up a plan on how you will assist your the attorney with this case. The plan should answer the following questions posed by the attorney: What specific factors about police interrogative tactics do you think will be important to the defense strategy? Discuss interrogation tactics that lead to false confession, specifying at least two examples and explain the reason they are considered coercive. Include information about how this would look in an actual interrogation and how the client experienced this behavior. Will you look for any specific personality characteristics in the client? What are they and why will they help or hurt your case? Are issues of competency going to come up? Discuss information about what types of people are more at risk with coercive interrogation tactics. Include at least one research study that has demonstrated this risk. What type of personality assessment instrument will you want to use to either identify or rule out the characteristics listed in question 2? Be specific and support your answer: Identify at least one psychological test that can be used and include information on why it would be useful in determining whether a person was vulnerable. Based on the client’s response to police interrogation, how should you conduct your interview? Specifically, what should you avoid when attempting to gather accurate information from the client? Create a presentation to give to the attorney. You will need to explain each of your arguments. You should expect to have 30 minutes to present your arguments. You should include detailed speaker notes to assist in your presentation. Please make sure to have at least 12 slides for review besides a title slide and a References slide. Each slide should be thoroughly referenced and cited based in psychological research, using APA formatting. Submit your assignment to the M3: Assignment 2 Dropbox by Wednesday, November 11, 2015. Wk 4 diss By Saturday, November 14, 2015, respond to the discussion question. Submit your responses to the appropriate Discussion Area. Start reviewing and responding to your classmates as early in the week as possible. Search for the “Right Wing Authoritarianism Scale”. Given what you have learned about terroristic behavior from the assigned weekly readings, is information gathered using this type of tool useful in determining motivations of terrorists. Why or why not Wk 4 assig Assignment 2: The Case Example In this Module we learned about the three types of multiple murders: Serial, mass or spree murders. Choose one case of multiple murder (either serial, mass or spree). Research the case online (do not use Wikipedia as anything other than a jumping off point) and write a paper summarizing the case. Present this summary in the form of a 3-5 page paper which will be used as a supplemental reading in a class on criminal behavior. In the paper: Provide a detailed description of the case and the type of multiple murder it signifies. Use at least three sources beyond your online notes and assigned textbook. Discuss the reasoning for the crime according to the offender (if available) or other sources Analyze the case in light of at least two psychological theories that may explain or add to the understanding of the event or case Draw a conclusion about the psychological causes of this crime. Remember, this paper will be assigned as required reading for another class, so make sure that you appropriately define all of the psychological terms that you use as if you were writing for someone who does not have any background in the subject. Please be sure to include a cover page and a reference page. The paper should be appropriately formatted and cited in accordance to APA standards. Submit your responses to the M4: Assignment 2 Dropbox by Wednesday, November 18, 2015. Wk 54 diss By Sunday, November 22, 2015, respond to the discussion question. Submit your responses to the appropriate Discussion Area. Start reviewing and responding to your classmates as early in the week as possible. Given the concerns raised about juveniles being tried in criminal court, should this practice continue? Why or why not? As appropriate, cite the online course, the textbook, and other credible, scholarly sources to substantiate the points you are making. Apply APA standards to for writing and citations to your work Wk 5 assi Assignment 1: LASA 2: The Forensic Psychology Booklet Potential students often look for guidance regarding the programs that they are considering. You are a program assistant at a local university. You have been asked by your department chair (psychology) to create a booklet about the field of forensic psychology for potential students. This booklet will be given out at information sessions and will be sent to students requesting more information. The department chair asks you to create this booklet with the undecided student in mind, remembering that while you don’t want to scare students away, you also want to be truthful about the field. She asks for the following information to be included: A description of the educational levels required and recommended (i.e. what can a MA level forensic psychologist do, versus a Doctorate level professional). Different roles that a forensic psychologist can take. This can include roles in the court and out as well as research possibilities. (2 pages) A discussion of each of the following and discuss why is it important that all forensic psychologists need to be well-versed in them (3 pages): Case Law Specific Amendments to the U.S. Constitution and why they are important Important past research in the field Diversity issues Ethical considerations An analysis of at least three aspects of the American judicial system (such as eyewitness testimony, transfer of juveniles to criminal court, etc.), which are impacted most heavily by psychology and psychological research (3 pages). Be sure to discuss: Three aspects of the American judicial system How psychology has impacted these aspects One research study for each aspect that is considered pivotal, classic or ground breaking in the field.

Forensic Psychology

Topic: Forensic Psychology
Order Description
Evaluate a major criminal case(for example a serial offender) within the last 50 years, applying and providing a critical explanation using two psychological theories”
Forensic Psychology

Topic: Forensic Psychology
Order Description
Evaluate a major criminal case(for example a serial offender) within the last 50 years, applying and providing a critical explanation using two psychological theories”