Your report must contain the sections outlined below. APA formatting standards must be followed throughout. The paper does not have to be lengthy; perhaps 750 to 1500 words. The introduction, research question, and hypothesis statement sections should be short and succinct. Most of the word count in your report will be in the literature review and theoretical framework sections. For an example of the content of a report, see Report 3 on page 374 of the Sekaran and Bougie text. Page 2 of 3 • Introduction In this section, give a clear and concise statement of the problem. Briefly indicate why it is a problem, why you selected it, and why it is important to solve the problem. Use references as necessary to support your arguments. • Literature Review This should be one of the longer sections in your report. It should summarize other work related to the problem you identified. It should identify important variables and document significant findings from earlier research. According to Sekaran and Bougie (2013), it should: …convince the reader that (1) the researcher is knowledgeable about the problem area and has done the preliminary homework that is necessary to conduct the research, and (2) a theoretical framework (in deductive research) will be structured on work already done and will add to the solid foundation of existing knowledge. (p. 55) Unlike the annotated bibliography, the literature review is not a listing of sources with a summary of the findings of each and a critique of the findings. The literature review, “should bring together all relevant information in a cogent and logical manner” (Sekaran & Bougie, p. 55). Read through the examples on pages 37-38, 88-89, and 374-375 to see how a literature review should be structured. • Research Question This should be a brief section with a clear and concise statement of your question. It should be clear to the reader that your question is a logical outgrowth of previous research as summarized in your literature review. • Theoretical Framework This section applies to deductive research. It should be one of the longer sections in your report. According to Sekaran and Bougie: The relationship between the literature review and the theoretical framework is that the former provides a solid foundation for developing the latter. That is, the literature review identifies the variables that might be important, as determined by previous research findings. …. The theoretical framework represents and elaborates the relationships among the variables, explains the theory underlying these relations, and describes the nature and direction of the relationships. (p. 77) • Hypotheses This brief section should contain a clear and concise statement of your hypothesis or hypotheses. The hypotheses should be a logical outgrowth of the theoretical framework. “Hypotheses can be defined as logically conjectured relationships between two or more variables expressed in the form of testable statements” (Sekaran & Bougie, 2013, p. 83). • References Your report must contain a reference section that includes all sources in your paper. References must be in APA format.
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