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fonderia di Torino S.P.A

fonderia di Torino S.P.A
fonderia di Torino S.P.A
every thing will be in the attached Please analysis work very well Where it is a degree of 20% Each analysis must be financial All the important points in the attached copy I trust you, so I hope to be working with all credibility Does not disappoint me please
Your write-up case will be graded according to the following criteria
Computation and analysis
The degree to which questions were answered and addressed
Grammar, Spelling, and Punctuation
Clarity, Organization, and correct format
Case presentation
Your written narrative for each case is limited to five (5) pages and should follow the outline shown below. Please incorporate the answers to the case questions given in this document into your case write-up. You should include your “work” (spreadsheets, etc) as an appendix, and put a copy of the work in the dropbox along with the narrative. The basic outline of the case narrative should be organized as follows. Please use headings to separate sections.
Cover page Title, your name, date, course, etc. (Identify all the group members)
Introduction A brief summary of the case -not to exceed one paragraph.
Conclusions A few paragraphs containing your conclusions and recommendations.
Analysis The detailed analysis that leads to your conclusions and/or decisions. The
idea is to demonstrate why you are correct.
Appendices Spreadsheets and detailed calculations

Ethics in Finance and Corporate Governance
1 What went wrong at WorldCom, Inc? Hint: Don’t focus on a discussion of the facts from the case when you answer this question, focus on the fundamental problem, in your opinion, that allowed the largest fraud in history to be perpetrated.
2 How can “right” be distinguished from “wrong”?
3 What can be done to promote ethical behavior within a firm or business?
4 What should be done to promote ethical behavior within a firm or business?
5 Can ethics or ethical behavior be taught? Why or why not?
6 Can ethics or ethical behavior be learned? Why or why not?
7 What is corporate governance?
8 What corporate governance provisions are internal to a firm and under its control? What characteristics of the board of directors usually lead to effective corporate governance?
9 How do compensation plans impact corporate governance?
10 What is block ownership? How does it affect corporate governance?
11 Can regulatory agencies and legal systems affect corporate governance?
12 How is “good” corporate governance defined?
13 What characteristics are consistent with “good” corporate governance?
Fonderia di Torino (Individual Case Analysis):

There is no data file for this case, your will need to estimate the cash flows using financial forecasting and modeling. You need to compute and develop the cash flow forecasts. Remember that your analysis should ultimately the incremental cash flows provided by the new Vulcan Mold-Maker machine.
You may assume that the semi-automated equipment could be operated for two additional years beyond the end of its depreciable life thanks to ordinary maintenance. Thus, the lives of both the semi-automated and Vulcan Mold-Maker alternatives will be eight years.
1 Assess the economic benefits of acquiring the Vulcan Mold-Maker machine. Specifically, what is the initial outlay? What are the benefits (annual cash flows) over time? What is an appropriate discount rate? Does the NPV warrant investment in the machine? How sensitive is the investment decision to the assumptions that you have made?
2 Please discuss the uncertainties and qualitative considerations that might influence your recommendation(s).
3 Should Francesca Cerini proceed with the project?
Case Analyses Guidance
Your write-up case will be graded according to the following criteria
Computation and analysis
The degree to which questions were answered and addressed
Grammar, Spelling, and Punctuation
Clarity, Organization, and correct format
Case presentation
Your written narrative for each case is limited to five (5) pages and should follow the outline shown below. Please incorporate the answers to the case questions given in this document into your case write-up. You should include your “work” (spreadsheets, etc) as an appendix, and put a copy of the work in the dropbox along with the narrative. The basic outline of the case narrative should be organized as follows. Please use headings to separate sections.

You will work in teams of five to six to prepare your group case write-up and lead the discussion on the case as explained in the course syllabus. You are welcome to create your own groups, or I can help you to create a group if you wish. Group member selections are due no later than Sep., 12 If I have not heard from you regarding your group selection by Sept., 12 I will assign you to a group.
Each group member is expected to contribute equally to all group work, and I will ask you to evaluate each other’s participation in preparing the case write-up and participating in the discussion leadership. Evaluations will be done individually and will be confidential. These evaluations will be used to adjust individual grades. Please remember that each group is going to present, discuss, and analyze the case in the class.

Ethics in Finance and Corporate Governance
1 What went wrong at WorldCom, Inc? Hint: Don’t focus on a discussion of the facts from the case when you answer this question, focus on the fundamental problem, in your opinion, that allowed the largest fraud in history to be perpetrated.
2 How can “right” be distinguished from “wrong”?
3 What can be done to promote ethical behavior within a firm or business?
4 What should be done to promote ethical behavior within a firm or business?
5 Can ethics or ethical behavior be taught? Why or why not?
6 Can ethics or ethical behavior be learned? Why or why not?
7 What is corporate governance?
8 What corporate governance provisions are internal to a firm and under its control? What characteristics of the board of directors usually lead to effective corporate governance?
9 How do compensation plans impact corporate governance?
10 What is block ownership? How does it affect corporate governance?
11 Can regulatory agencies and legal systems affect corporate governance?
12 How is “good” corporate governance defined?
13 What characteristics are consistent with “good” corporate governance?
Warren Buffett
1 What is the possible meaning of the changes in stock price for Berkshire Hathaway and Scottish Power plc on the day of the acquisition announcement? Specifically, what does the $2.17 billion gain in Berkshire’s market value of equity imply about the intrinsic value of PacificCorp?
2 Based on the multiples for comparable regulated utilities, what is the range of possible values for PacifiCorp? (I am looking for numbers, but they are given in the case).
3 Assess Berkshire’s bid for PacifiCorp. Does it make sense given your answer to #2? Hint: Recall that the deal will not close for 12-18 months
4 How was has Berkshire Hathaway performed in the aggregate? What about some of its specific investments such as MidAmerican Energy Holdings? Hint: Computations will help to support your answers here.
5 How does Buffett view Intrinsic Value? How is Intrinsic Value estimated?
6 Should Berkshire Hathaway’s shareholders endorse the acquisition of PacifiCorp? The group does need to come to a “final” decision or recommendation with respect to each of these, but I expect that you will present different points of view in your write-up.

Ben & Jerry’s Homemade
1 How has Ben & Jerry’s fulfilled its mission statement? What evidence can you provide regarding Ben & Jerry’s performance on each of the three dimensions of the mission statement?
2 How/why did Ben & Jerry’s become a takeover target?
3 Do you think the current takeover offers are justifiable? What might Ben & Jerry’s be worth to the bidders?
4 Did Ben and Jerry’s practice “good” corporate governance? Are takeover defense strategies “good” corporate governance? Why or why not? Are there two sides to this issue?
5 Should Henry Morgan defend the agenda of the current management team or support one of the acquisition offers? The group does need to come to a “final” decision or recommendation with respect to this, but I expect that you will present different points of view in your write-up.

Deutsche Brauerei

1. What accounts for Deutsche Brauerei’s rapid growth in recent years? Specifically, what policy choices account for this success? Explain the situation.

2. What is Deutsche Brauerei’s credit policy toward its distributors in the Ukraine? Why is it different from the policy toward its other distributors? Is the company’s credit policy appropriate? Is it profitable? If not, how would you change it? If so, what arguments would you offer to the board of directors in its defense?

3. Why does this profitable firm need increasing amounts of bank debt?

4. As a member of the board of directors, explain how you would vote on the following issues. The group does need to come to a “final” decision or recommendation with respect to each of these, but I expect that you will present different points of view in your write-up.

a. The proposed raise for Oleg Pinchuk

b. The quarterly dividend declaration of 698,000 euros.

c. Adoption of the financial plan for 2001

Hershey Foods Corporation: Bitter Rimes in a Sweet Place
1 Assume that you are a member of the Hershey Trust board. To whom (or what) do you owe your fiduciary responsibility? How does the legacy of Milton S. Hershey affect your thinking as a member of the board?
2 Is diversification a valid reason to sell HFC? How would such diversification have served the Hershey School 10 years ago, for example? What are the pros and cons of this strategy?
3 Which, if any, bid would you vote to accept for the purchase of Hershey Foods Corporation? Is your decision primarily based on the economics of the bids or the desire to honor the legacy of Milton S. Hershey? The group does need to come to a “final” decision or recommendation with respect to this, but I expect that you will present different points of view in your write-up.
4 If you decided to reject both bids and not sell HFC, what will you do to achieve the diversification objective? If you decided to accept one of the bids, what (if anything) would you want to communicate to the constituents who opposed the sale?

Target Corporation
1. Describe and critique Target’s capital-budgeting system. Give specific consideration to the role of the real-estate managers and the makeup of the CEC.

2. Which of the five CPRs should Doug Scovanner accept? Explain how each of the considerations that follow influenced your decision:

a. NPV and IRR

b. Size of the project

c. Cannibalization of other stores’ sales

d. Store sensitivities

e. Variance to prototype

f. Customer demographics

g. Brand-awareness impact

3. Why does Target use different hurdle rates for the store and the credit cards (9% and 4%, respectively)? What process would you use to estimate these discount rates to see if they are reasonable? Please be specific.

4. As members of the CEC, would you continue to approve CPRs if it meant that Target would need to fund the requests with external funds, either debt or equity? Why or why not? The group does need to come to a “final” decision or recommendation with respect to each of these, but I expect that you will present different points of view in your write-up.

There is no data file for this case, your will need to estimate the cash flows using financial forecasting and modeling. You need to compute and develop the cash flow forecasts. Remember that your analysis should ultimately the incremental cash flows provided by the new Vulcan Mold-Maker machine.
Fonderia di Torino (Individual Case Analysis)
Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co.

1. What is Blanka Dobrynin hoping to accomplish through her active-investor strategy?

2. What will be the effects of issuing $3 billion of new debt and using the proceeds either to pay a dividend or to repurchase shares on each of the following: (Note: the impact may be different if a dividend is paid or a repurchase is done.)

a. Wrigley’s outstanding shares?

b. Wrigley’s book value of equity?

c. The price per share of Wrigley stock?

d. Earnings per share?

e. Debt interest coverage ratios and financial flexibility?

f. Voting control by the Wrigley family?

3. What is Wrigley’s current (prerecapitalization) weighted-average cost of capital (WACC)? (requires computation)

4. What would you expect to happen to Wrigley’s WACC if it issued $3 billion in debt and used the proceeds to pay a dividend or to repurchase shares?

5. Should Blanka Dobrynin try to convince Wrigley’s directors to undertake the recapitalization? The group does need to come to a “final” decision or recommendation with respect to each of these, but I expect that you will present different points of view in your write-up.
You may assume that the semi-automated equipment could be operated for two additional years beyond the end of its depreciable life thanks to ordinary maintenance. Thus, the lives of both the semi-automated and Vulcan Mold-Maker alternatives will be eight years.

1 Assess the economic benefits of acquiring the Vulcan Mold-Maker machine. Specifically, what is the initial outlay? What are the benefits (annual cash flows) over time? What is an appropriate discount rate? Does the NPV warrant investment in the machine? How sensitive is the investment decision to the assumptions that you have made?
2 Please discuss the uncertainties and qualitative considerations that might influence your recommendation(s).
3 Should Francesca Cerini proceed with the project?

You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

fonderia di Torino S.P.A

fonderia di Torino S.P.A
fonderia di Torino S.P.A
every thing will be in the attached Please analysis work very well Where it is a degree of 20% Each analysis must be financial All the important points in the attached copy I trust you, so I hope to be working with all credibility Does not disappoint me please
Your write-up case will be graded according to the following criteria
Computation and analysis
The degree to which questions were answered and addressed
Grammar, Spelling, and Punctuation
Clarity, Organization, and correct format
Case presentation
Your written narrative for each case is limited to five (5) pages and should follow the outline shown below. Please incorporate the answers to the case questions given in this document into your case write-up. You should include your “work” (spreadsheets, etc) as an appendix, and put a copy of the work in the dropbox along with the narrative. The basic outline of the case narrative should be organized as follows. Please use headings to separate sections.
Cover page Title, your name, date, course, etc. (Identify all the group members)
Introduction A brief summary of the case -not to exceed one paragraph.
Conclusions A few paragraphs containing your conclusions and recommendations.
Analysis The detailed analysis that leads to your conclusions and/or decisions. The
idea is to demonstrate why you are correct.
Appendices Spreadsheets and detailed calculations

Ethics in Finance and Corporate Governance
1 What went wrong at WorldCom, Inc? Hint: Don’t focus on a discussion of the facts from the case when you answer this question, focus on the fundamental problem, in your opinion, that allowed the largest fraud in history to be perpetrated.
2 How can “right” be distinguished from “wrong”?
3 What can be done to promote ethical behavior within a firm or business?
4 What should be done to promote ethical behavior within a firm or business?
5 Can ethics or ethical behavior be taught? Why or why not?
6 Can ethics or ethical behavior be learned? Why or why not?
7 What is corporate governance?
8 What corporate governance provisions are internal to a firm and under its control? What characteristics of the board of directors usually lead to effective corporate governance?
9 How do compensation plans impact corporate governance?
10 What is block ownership? How does it affect corporate governance?
11 Can regulatory agencies and legal systems affect corporate governance?
12 How is “good” corporate governance defined?
13 What characteristics are consistent with “good” corporate governance?
Fonderia di Torino (Individual Case Analysis):

There is no data file for this case, your will need to estimate the cash flows using financial forecasting and modeling. You need to compute and develop the cash flow forecasts. Remember that your analysis should ultimately the incremental cash flows provided by the new Vulcan Mold-Maker machine.
You may assume that the semi-automated equipment could be operated for two additional years beyond the end of its depreciable life thanks to ordinary maintenance. Thus, the lives of both the semi-automated and Vulcan Mold-Maker alternatives will be eight years.
1 Assess the economic benefits of acquiring the Vulcan Mold-Maker machine. Specifically, what is the initial outlay? What are the benefits (annual cash flows) over time? What is an appropriate discount rate? Does the NPV warrant investment in the machine? How sensitive is the investment decision to the assumptions that you have made?
2 Please discuss the uncertainties and qualitative considerations that might influence your recommendation(s).
3 Should Francesca Cerini proceed with the project?
Case Analyses Guidance
Your write-up case will be graded according to the following criteria
Computation and analysis
The degree to which questions were answered and addressed
Grammar, Spelling, and Punctuation
Clarity, Organization, and correct format
Case presentation
Your written narrative for each case is limited to five (5) pages and should follow the outline shown below. Please incorporate the answers to the case questions given in this document into your case write-up. You should include your “work” (spreadsheets, etc) as an appendix, and put a copy of the work in the dropbox along with the narrative. The basic outline of the case narrative should be organized as follows. Please use headings to separate sections.

You will work in teams of five to six to prepare your group case write-up and lead the discussion on the case as explained in the course syllabus. You are welcome to create your own groups, or I can help you to create a group if you wish. Group member selections are due no later than Sep., 12 If I have not heard from you regarding your group selection by Sept., 12 I will assign you to a group.
Each group member is expected to contribute equally to all group work, and I will ask you to evaluate each other’s participation in preparing the case write-up and participating in the discussion leadership. Evaluations will be done individually and will be confidential. These evaluations will be used to adjust individual grades. Please remember that each group is going to present, discuss, and analyze the case in the class.

Ethics in Finance and Corporate Governance
1 What went wrong at WorldCom, Inc? Hint: Don’t focus on a discussion of the facts from the case when you answer this question, focus on the fundamental problem, in your opinion, that allowed the largest fraud in history to be perpetrated.
2 How can “right” be distinguished from “wrong”?
3 What can be done to promote ethical behavior within a firm or business?
4 What should be done to promote ethical behavior within a firm or business?
5 Can ethics or ethical behavior be taught? Why or why not?
6 Can ethics or ethical behavior be learned? Why or why not?
7 What is corporate governance?
8 What corporate governance provisions are internal to a firm and under its control? What characteristics of the board of directors usually lead to effective corporate governance?
9 How do compensation plans impact corporate governance?
10 What is block ownership? How does it affect corporate governance?
11 Can regulatory agencies and legal systems affect corporate governance?
12 How is “good” corporate governance defined?
13 What characteristics are consistent with “good” corporate governance?
Warren Buffett
1 What is the possible meaning of the changes in stock price for Berkshire Hathaway and Scottish Power plc on the day of the acquisition announcement? Specifically, what does the $2.17 billion gain in Berkshire’s market value of equity imply about the intrinsic value of PacificCorp?
2 Based on the multiples for comparable regulated utilities, what is the range of possible values for PacifiCorp? (I am looking for numbers, but they are given in the case).
3 Assess Berkshire’s bid for PacifiCorp. Does it make sense given your answer to #2? Hint: Recall that the deal will not close for 12-18 months
4 How was has Berkshire Hathaway performed in the aggregate? What about some of its specific investments such as MidAmerican Energy Holdings? Hint: Computations will help to support your answers here.
5 How does Buffett view Intrinsic Value? How is Intrinsic Value estimated?
6 Should Berkshire Hathaway’s shareholders endorse the acquisition of PacifiCorp? The group does need to come to a “final” decision or recommendation with respect to each of these, but I expect that you will present different points of view in your write-up.

Ben & Jerry’s Homemade
1 How has Ben & Jerry’s fulfilled its mission statement? What evidence can you provide regarding Ben & Jerry’s performance on each of the three dimensions of the mission statement?
2 How/why did Ben & Jerry’s become a takeover target?
3 Do you think the current takeover offers are justifiable? What might Ben & Jerry’s be worth to the bidders?
4 Did Ben and Jerry’s practice “good” corporate governance? Are takeover defense strategies “good” corporate governance? Why or why not? Are there two sides to this issue?
5 Should Henry Morgan defend the agenda of the current management team or support one of the acquisition offers? The group does need to come to a “final” decision or recommendation with respect to this, but I expect that you will present different points of view in your write-up.

Deutsche Brauerei

1. What accounts for Deutsche Brauerei’s rapid growth in recent years? Specifically, what policy choices account for this success? Explain the situation.

2. What is Deutsche Brauerei’s credit policy toward its distributors in the Ukraine? Why is it different from the policy toward its other distributors? Is the company’s credit policy appropriate? Is it profitable? If not, how would you change it? If so, what arguments would you offer to the board of directors in its defense?

3. Why does this profitable firm need increasing amounts of bank debt?

4. As a member of the board of directors, explain how you would vote on the following issues. The group does need to come to a “final” decision or recommendation with respect to each of these, but I expect that you will present different points of view in your write-up.

a. The proposed raise for Oleg Pinchuk

b. The quarterly dividend declaration of 698,000 euros.

c. Adoption of the financial plan for 2001

Hershey Foods Corporation: Bitter Rimes in a Sweet Place
1 Assume that you are a member of the Hershey Trust board. To whom (or what) do you owe your fiduciary responsibility? How does the legacy of Milton S. Hershey affect your thinking as a member of the board?
2 Is diversification a valid reason to sell HFC? How would such diversification have served the Hershey School 10 years ago, for example? What are the pros and cons of this strategy?
3 Which, if any, bid would you vote to accept for the purchase of Hershey Foods Corporation? Is your decision primarily based on the economics of the bids or the desire to honor the legacy of Milton S. Hershey? The group does need to come to a “final” decision or recommendation with respect to this, but I expect that you will present different points of view in your write-up.
4 If you decided to reject both bids and not sell HFC, what will you do to achieve the diversification objective? If you decided to accept one of the bids, what (if anything) would you want to communicate to the constituents who opposed the sale?

Target Corporation
1. Describe and critique Target’s capital-budgeting system. Give specific consideration to the role of the real-estate managers and the makeup of the CEC.

2. Which of the five CPRs should Doug Scovanner accept? Explain how each of the considerations that follow influenced your decision:

a. NPV and IRR

b. Size of the project

c. Cannibalization of other stores’ sales

d. Store sensitivities

e. Variance to prototype

f. Customer demographics

g. Brand-awareness impact

3. Why does Target use different hurdle rates for the store and the credit cards (9% and 4%, respectively)? What process would you use to estimate these discount rates to see if they are reasonable? Please be specific.

4. As members of the CEC, would you continue to approve CPRs if it meant that Target would need to fund the requests with external funds, either debt or equity? Why or why not? The group does need to come to a “final” decision or recommendation with respect to each of these, but I expect that you will present different points of view in your write-up.

There is no data file for this case, your will need to estimate the cash flows using financial forecasting and modeling. You need to compute and develop the cash flow forecasts. Remember that your analysis should ultimately the incremental cash flows provided by the new Vulcan Mold-Maker machine.
Fonderia di Torino (Individual Case Analysis)
Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co.

1. What is Blanka Dobrynin hoping to accomplish through her active-investor strategy?

2. What will be the effects of issuing $3 billion of new debt and using the proceeds either to pay a dividend or to repurchase shares on each of the following: (Note: the impact may be different if a dividend is paid or a repurchase is done.)

a. Wrigley’s outstanding shares?

b. Wrigley’s book value of equity?

c. The price per share of Wrigley stock?

d. Earnings per share?

e. Debt interest coverage ratios and financial flexibility?

f. Voting control by the Wrigley family?

3. What is Wrigley’s current (prerecapitalization) weighted-average cost of capital (WACC)? (requires computation)

4. What would you expect to happen to Wrigley’s WACC if it issued $3 billion in debt and used the proceeds to pay a dividend or to repurchase shares?

5. Should Blanka Dobrynin try to convince Wrigley’s directors to undertake the recapitalization? The group does need to come to a “final” decision or recommendation with respect to each of these, but I expect that you will present different points of view in your write-up.
You may assume that the semi-automated equipment could be operated for two additional years beyond the end of its depreciable life thanks to ordinary maintenance. Thus, the lives of both the semi-automated and Vulcan Mold-Maker alternatives will be eight years.

1 Assess the economic benefits of acquiring the Vulcan Mold-Maker machine. Specifically, what is the initial outlay? What are the benefits (annual cash flows) over time? What is an appropriate discount rate? Does the NPV warrant investment in the machine? How sensitive is the investment decision to the assumptions that you have made?
2 Please discuss the uncertainties and qualitative considerations that might influence your recommendation(s).
3 Should Francesca Cerini proceed with the project?

Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

fonderia di Torino S.P.A

fonderia di Torino S.P.A
fonderia di Torino S.P.A
every thing will be in the attached Please analysis work very well Where it is a degree of 20% Each analysis must be financial All the important points in the attached copy I trust you, so I hope to be working with all credibility Does not disappoint me please
Your write-up case will be graded according to the following criteria
Computation and analysis
The degree to which questions were answered and addressed
Grammar, Spelling, and Punctuation
Clarity, Organization, and correct format
Case presentation
Your written narrative for each case is limited to five (5) pages and should follow the outline shown below. Please incorporate the answers to the case questions given in this document into your case write-up. You should include your “work” (spreadsheets, etc) as an appendix, and put a copy of the work in the dropbox along with the narrative. The basic outline of the case narrative should be organized as follows. Please use headings to separate sections.
Cover page Title, your name, date, course, etc. (Identify all the group members)
Introduction A brief summary of the case -not to exceed one paragraph.
Conclusions A few paragraphs containing your conclusions and recommendations.
Analysis The detailed analysis that leads to your conclusions and/or decisions. The
idea is to demonstrate why you are correct.
Appendices Spreadsheets and detailed calculations

Ethics in Finance and Corporate Governance
1 What went wrong at WorldCom, Inc? Hint: Don’t focus on a discussion of the facts from the case when you answer this question, focus on the fundamental problem, in your opinion, that allowed the largest fraud in history to be perpetrated.
2 How can “right” be distinguished from “wrong”?
3 What can be done to promote ethical behavior within a firm or business?
4 What should be done to promote ethical behavior within a firm or business?
5 Can ethics or ethical behavior be taught? Why or why not?
6 Can ethics or ethical behavior be learned? Why or why not?
7 What is corporate governance?
8 What corporate governance provisions are internal to a firm and under its control? What characteristics of the board of directors usually lead to effective corporate governance?
9 How do compensation plans impact corporate governance?
10 What is block ownership? How does it affect corporate governance?
11 Can regulatory agencies and legal systems affect corporate governance?
12 How is “good” corporate governance defined?
13 What characteristics are consistent with “good” corporate governance?
Fonderia di Torino (Individual Case Analysis):

There is no data file for this case, your will need to estimate the cash flows using financial forecasting and modeling. You need to compute and develop the cash flow forecasts. Remember that your analysis should ultimately the incremental cash flows provided by the new Vulcan Mold-Maker machine.
You may assume that the semi-automated equipment could be operated for two additional years beyond the end of its depreciable life thanks to ordinary maintenance. Thus, the lives of both the semi-automated and Vulcan Mold-Maker alternatives will be eight years.
1 Assess the economic benefits of acquiring the Vulcan Mold-Maker machine. Specifically, what is the initial outlay? What are the benefits (annual cash flows) over time? What is an appropriate discount rate? Does the NPV warrant investment in the machine? How sensitive is the investment decision to the assumptions that you have made?
2 Please discuss the uncertainties and qualitative considerations that might influence your recommendation(s).
3 Should Francesca Cerini proceed with the project?
Case Analyses Guidance
Your write-up case will be graded according to the following criteria
Computation and analysis
The degree to which questions were answered and addressed
Grammar, Spelling, and Punctuation
Clarity, Organization, and correct format
Case presentation
Your written narrative for each case is limited to five (5) pages and should follow the outline shown below. Please incorporate the answers to the case questions given in this document into your case write-up. You should include your “work” (spreadsheets, etc) as an appendix, and put a copy of the work in the dropbox along with the narrative. The basic outline of the case narrative should be organized as follows. Please use headings to separate sections.

You will work in teams of five to six to prepare your group case write-up and lead the discussion on the case as explained in the course syllabus. You are welcome to create your own groups, or I can help you to create a group if you wish. Group member selections are due no later than Sep., 12 If I have not heard from you regarding your group selection by Sept., 12 I will assign you to a group.
Each group member is expected to contribute equally to all group work, and I will ask you to evaluate each other’s participation in preparing the case write-up and participating in the discussion leadership. Evaluations will be done individually and will be confidential. These evaluations will be used to adjust individual grades. Please remember that each group is going to present, discuss, and analyze the case in the class.

Ethics in Finance and Corporate Governance
1 What went wrong at WorldCom, Inc? Hint: Don’t focus on a discussion of the facts from the case when you answer this question, focus on the fundamental problem, in your opinion, that allowed the largest fraud in history to be perpetrated.
2 How can “right” be distinguished from “wrong”?
3 What can be done to promote ethical behavior within a firm or business?
4 What should be done to promote ethical behavior within a firm or business?
5 Can ethics or ethical behavior be taught? Why or why not?
6 Can ethics or ethical behavior be learned? Why or why not?
7 What is corporate governance?
8 What corporate governance provisions are internal to a firm and under its control? What characteristics of the board of directors usually lead to effective corporate governance?
9 How do compensation plans impact corporate governance?
10 What is block ownership? How does it affect corporate governance?
11 Can regulatory agencies and legal systems affect corporate governance?
12 How is “good” corporate governance defined?
13 What characteristics are consistent with “good” corporate governance?
Warren Buffett
1 What is the possible meaning of the changes in stock price for Berkshire Hathaway and Scottish Power plc on the day of the acquisition announcement? Specifically, what does the $2.17 billion gain in Berkshire’s market value of equity imply about the intrinsic value of PacificCorp?
2 Based on the multiples for comparable regulated utilities, what is the range of possible values for PacifiCorp? (I am looking for numbers, but they are given in the case).
3 Assess Berkshire’s bid for PacifiCorp. Does it make sense given your answer to #2? Hint: Recall that the deal will not close for 12-18 months
4 How was has Berkshire Hathaway performed in the aggregate? What about some of its specific investments such as MidAmerican Energy Holdings? Hint: Computations will help to support your answers here.
5 How does Buffett view Intrinsic Value? How is Intrinsic Value estimated?
6 Should Berkshire Hathaway’s shareholders endorse the acquisition of PacifiCorp? The group does need to come to a “final” decision or recommendation with respect to each of these, but I expect that you will present different points of view in your write-up.

Ben & Jerry’s Homemade
1 How has Ben & Jerry’s fulfilled its mission statement? What evidence can you provide regarding Ben & Jerry’s performance on each of the three dimensions of the mission statement?
2 How/why did Ben & Jerry’s become a takeover target?
3 Do you think the current takeover offers are justifiable? What might Ben & Jerry’s be worth to the bidders?
4 Did Ben and Jerry’s practice “good” corporate governance? Are takeover defense strategies “good” corporate governance? Why or why not? Are there two sides to this issue?
5 Should Henry Morgan defend the agenda of the current management team or support one of the acquisition offers? The group does need to come to a “final” decision or recommendation with respect to this, but I expect that you will present different points of view in your write-up.

Deutsche Brauerei

1. What accounts for Deutsche Brauerei’s rapid growth in recent years? Specifically, what policy choices account for this success? Explain the situation.

2. What is Deutsche Brauerei’s credit policy toward its distributors in the Ukraine? Why is it different from the policy toward its other distributors? Is the company’s credit policy appropriate? Is it profitable? If not, how would you change it? If so, what arguments would you offer to the board of directors in its defense?

3. Why does this profitable firm need increasing amounts of bank debt?

4. As a member of the board of directors, explain how you would vote on the following issues. The group does need to come to a “final” decision or recommendation with respect to each of these, but I expect that you will present different points of view in your write-up.

a. The proposed raise for Oleg Pinchuk

b. The quarterly dividend declaration of 698,000 euros.

c. Adoption of the financial plan for 2001

Hershey Foods Corporation: Bitter Rimes in a Sweet Place
1 Assume that you are a member of the Hershey Trust board. To whom (or what) do you owe your fiduciary responsibility? How does the legacy of Milton S. Hershey affect your thinking as a member of the board?
2 Is diversification a valid reason to sell HFC? How would such diversification have served the Hershey School 10 years ago, for example? What are the pros and cons of this strategy?
3 Which, if any, bid would you vote to accept for the purchase of Hershey Foods Corporation? Is your decision primarily based on the economics of the bids or the desire to honor the legacy of Milton S. Hershey? The group does need to come to a “final” decision or recommendation with respect to this, but I expect that you will present different points of view in your write-up.
4 If you decided to reject both bids and not sell HFC, what will you do to achieve the diversification objective? If you decided to accept one of the bids, what (if anything) would you want to communicate to the constituents who opposed the sale?

Target Corporation
1. Describe and critique Target’s capital-budgeting system. Give specific consideration to the role of the real-estate managers and the makeup of the CEC.

2. Which of the five CPRs should Doug Scovanner accept? Explain how each of the considerations that follow influenced your decision:

a. NPV and IRR

b. Size of the project

c. Cannibalization of other stores’ sales

d. Store sensitivities

e. Variance to prototype

f. Customer demographics

g. Brand-awareness impact

3. Why does Target use different hurdle rates for the store and the credit cards (9% and 4%, respectively)? What process would you use to estimate these discount rates to see if they are reasonable? Please be specific.

4. As members of the CEC, would you continue to approve CPRs if it meant that Target would need to fund the requests with external funds, either debt or equity? Why or why not? The group does need to come to a “final” decision or recommendation with respect to each of these, but I expect that you will present different points of view in your write-up.

There is no data file for this case, your will need to estimate the cash flows using financial forecasting and modeling. You need to compute and develop the cash flow forecasts. Remember that your analysis should ultimately the incremental cash flows provided by the new Vulcan Mold-Maker machine.
Fonderia di Torino (Individual Case Analysis)
Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co.

1. What is Blanka Dobrynin hoping to accomplish through her active-investor strategy?

2. What will be the effects of issuing $3 billion of new debt and using the proceeds either to pay a dividend or to repurchase shares on each of the following: (Note: the impact may be different if a dividend is paid or a repurchase is done.)

a. Wrigley’s outstanding shares?

b. Wrigley’s book value of equity?

c. The price per share of Wrigley stock?

d. Earnings per share?

e. Debt interest coverage ratios and financial flexibility?

f. Voting control by the Wrigley family?

3. What is Wrigley’s current (prerecapitalization) weighted-average cost of capital (WACC)? (requires computation)

4. What would you expect to happen to Wrigley’s WACC if it issued $3 billion in debt and used the proceeds to pay a dividend or to repurchase shares?

5. Should Blanka Dobrynin try to convince Wrigley’s directors to undertake the recapitalization? The group does need to come to a “final” decision or recommendation with respect to each of these, but I expect that you will present different points of view in your write-up.
You may assume that the semi-automated equipment could be operated for two additional years beyond the end of its depreciable life thanks to ordinary maintenance. Thus, the lives of both the semi-automated and Vulcan Mold-Maker alternatives will be eight years.

1 Assess the economic benefits of acquiring the Vulcan Mold-Maker machine. Specifically, what is the initial outlay? What are the benefits (annual cash flows) over time? What is an appropriate discount rate? Does the NPV warrant investment in the machine? How sensitive is the investment decision to the assumptions that you have made?
2 Please discuss the uncertainties and qualitative considerations that might influence your recommendation(s).
3 Should Francesca Cerini proceed with the project?

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