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Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS) allow the production of families of parts / products with common design features or manufacturing processes in an efficient manner. The features of FMSs make the economy of scope business model possible. Flexibility features and their enablers are built-in these systems at the design stage to permit quick response to changes in market demands (production volume) and products features within planned products families.This project provides the students with: Knowledge of the features that make such systems flexible and their benefits and relativecost, Learning experience in applying digital discrete-events modeling for simulating manufacturing systems, including methods and criteria for evaluating the systems design options and system operationperformance. Knowledge of strategies usedto:a) Respond to products and market demand variety changes,andb) Increase manufacturing systems flexibility andproductivity.Part I: FMS System Design, Modeling and EvaluationConsumers demands have lead to the development of many product variants. This presents manufacturers with the challenge of updating / converting their manufacturing systems that were used primarily to produce one or two product variants in large quantities to make it possible to produce larger variety of the same products in varying, and generally less, volume per variant. One product family will be considered in this project by each group. Groups of students are tasked to advise the companies producing these products on facing the challenge created by increasing products variety and fluctuations in market demands. The objective is to increase the production efficiency of the respective companies and their ability to produce a wider range of products in order to enhance their competitiveness and capture a larger market share. Companies are prepared to make capital investments and expand their facilities as needed and justified to achieve thesegoals.1. Develop the Macro Process Plan (process steps, sequence and required machines and tools) for each variant of the chosen product family: i) outline the manufacturing (fabrication and / or assembly) steps to produce the products in their logical sequence, ii) indicate the machines needed for each manufacturing step (name, type, main characteristics, etc.), and iii) estimate the overall time duration for each process step. Discuss results (individual activity one product variant per student in thegroup).2. Suggest the most appropriate type of cells/systems to be used in producing the selected product family (manual, automated or hybrid) and recommend the preferred layout and justify these choices.3. Research/estimate the anticipated total annual production volume (rate) of each product variant to be produced and determine the production capacity of the proposed system for single product variant. Discuss the simulation results (individualactivity).4. Make and clearly state educated assumptions regarding any required data with justification (individualactivity).Additional Tips for a Good Report: Use numbered headings and sub-headings with titles that mean something and help the reader follow what you are doing. Number all tables (e.g., Table 1) and graphs (e.g., Figure 5), give them informative captions (e.g., Fig. 5 Manufacturing System Layout for a ) and clearlyrefertotheminthetext,withadiscussionofeachtable,figureandgraphselect a product and identify its variants within the family of products, for FLEXIBLE MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS courseThe project topic is a Faucet.Basically the main difference is how to control the flow of water. The family of faucet has five different variants which are :1. Sensor activation faucet2. Single rotational handle faucet3. Self-closing faucet4. Up down handle faucet5. Double rotational handles faucet

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