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Finish Banting article:

Topim 3 mini assignmentforesl class

Academic Lever: Bachelor
Paper details
There are 3 mini assignment for this student in a esl class. since the response doesnt need to be in paragraph, only in point form and short answer
sentence. i put them all in one order. Please do separate each question and individual citation. The writing its self shouldn’t be longer than 200
words for each question. thank you.
1. Finish Banting article: Write an outline for it using your notes: Answer questions from handout
-Basically just read the required articles, write a outline in turns of main points and answer the question sheet. since its esl work, most of it can be
googled and maintained in short sentences.
2. Novel: Read Chapters 1 – 12: Answer questions
-Answer the question for a novel from chapter 1 to 12 novel is The Edible Women by Margaret Atwood. The book is not include, the answer of those
chapter question should be able to find online source or with google.
3. Jonathan Tepperman – The risky politics of progress, please rewatch the TedTaIk that we watched in class yesterday (I posted it for you) and write
down his main points.
httpszllwwwted.com/talks/ionathan tepxrman the rislgy politics of prwress/transcript’?language=en
-This one is pretty straight forward just watch the video, summarize some main point of the Video in a form of outline. this should be no more than
200 words.
This is only first year ESL assignment. reading should be some length, but a lot of the answer will be able to find online and please maintain short
paragraphs and answer.2: Dickinson, “The Soul selects her own Society-‘ Hoagland, “Beauty’ Shakespeare, “Shall I compare
U i’

g thee to a summer’s day?‘

Academic Level; Bachelor

Paper details v

Compare and contrast hOW a single aspect Of beauty iS treated in the WOFKS Of Hoagland

and Shakespeare.

Preferred language style > Simple (Easy vocabulary, simple grammar constructions)

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