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FINC 600 Week3 Assignment 36090

QuestionInstructionsNAME:To complete the assignments in the templates provided:1. The question is provided for each problem. You may need to refer to your textbook for additional information ina few cases.2. You will enter the required information into the shaded cells.3. The cells are coded:a) T requires a text answer. Essay questions require references; use the textbook.b) C requires a calculation, using Excel formulas or functions. You cannot perform the operation on a calculatorand then type the answer in the cell. You will enter the calculation in the cell, and only the final answer will showin the cell. I will be able to review your calculation and correct, if necessary.c) F requires a number only. In some problems, a Step 1 is added to help you solve the problem.d) Formula requires a written formula, not the numbers. For example, the rate of return = [(1 + nominal)/(1+inflation)]-1, or D (debt) + E (equity) = V (value).4. Name your assignment file as “lastnamefirstinitial-FINC600-Week#”, and submit by midnight ET, Day 7.Problem 7-2The following table shows the nominal returns on U.S. Stocks and the rate of inflation:Year20042005200620072008Nominal Return(%)12.56.415.85.6-37.2Inflation (%) was the standard deviation of the market returns?b)Calculate the average real return.Answers:a)What was the standard deviation of the market returns?Find the standard deviation by completing the table with the appropriate formulasYear20042005200620072008Total 2004-2008AverageStd. DeviationNominal Return(%)12.56.415.85.6-37.2Difference fromAverageCCCCCSquaredDifferenceCCCCCCCCCCTIP: Click on the cell fordirectionsUse SQRT function for this answer onlyb)Calculate the average real return.Find the average real return by completing the table with the appropriate formulasYear20042005200620072008AverageNominal Return(%)12.56.415.85.6-37.2Inflation (%) Return (%) TIP: Click on the cell fordirectionsCCCCCCInstructions: Please refer to your book for assistance with your . Post your work in the worksheet. Highlight yourfinal answer.Problem 7-11Each of the following statements is dangerous or misleading. Explain why.a. A long-term United States government bond is always absolutely safe.b. All investors should prefer stocks to bonds because stocks offer higher long-run rates of return.c. The best practical forecast of future rates of return on the stock market is a 5- or 10-year average of historical returns.Answers:a.Tb.Tc.TInstructions: Please refer to your book for assistance with your . Post your work in the worksheet. Highlightyour final answer.Problem 8-6Suppose that the Treasury bill rate were 6% rather than 4%. Assume that the expected return on the market stays at10%. Use the betas in Table 8.2 (p. 193) also provided below.a. Calculate the expected return from Dell.b. Find the highest expected return that is offered by one of these stocks.c. Find the lowest expected return that is offered by one of these stocks.d. Would Ford offer a higher or lower expected return if the interest rate were 6% rather than 4%? Assume that theexpected market return stays at 10%.e. Would Exxon Mobil offer a higher or lower expected return if the interest rate were 8%?Answers:FormulaRf + (Beta (Rm Rf))A. Dells expected returnCalculationCB./C.StockBeta (B)AmazonFordDellStarbucksBoeingDisneyNewmontExxon MobilJohnson & JohnsonCampbell SoupB. HighestC. Lowest2.161.751.411.161.140.960.630.550.50.3Revised T BillRisk-Free RateMarketReturnExpectedreturnD. FORD will offer a ________ expected return at 6%.Interest rate4%6%CRate of returnCHigher or lower?E. Exxon will offer a _______ expected return at 8%.Interest rate4%8%Rate of returnCCHigher or lower?Principles of Corporate Finance, Concise, 2nd EditionInstructions: Please refer to your book for assistance with your . Post your work in the worksheet. Highlight your final answer.Problem 8-18Some true or false questions about the APT:a. The APT factors cannot reflect diversifiable risks.b. The market rate of return cannot be an APT factor.c. There is no theory that specifically identifies the APT factors.could be true but not very useful, for example, if the relevant factors change unpredictably.Respond to each question true or false and why.Answer:T/Fa.WHY?b.WHY?c.WHY?d.WHY?d. The APT model

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